Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Truth In Advertising

Just now...

Thanks, Buck (aka SN1)!

We now return to Happy Hour, already in progress.


  1. Cheers! I think I'll go join you.

  2. Slainte!

    I've done some time on Beer Advocate, very cool, VERY informative site!

  3. Well, if one is going to be a geek, I'm hard pressed to think of anything better than being a BeerGeek.

    Save perhaps a whiskeygeek!

  4. Excellent! Mine would only need "GEEK" to be truthful.

  5. Very appropriate T-shirt!

  6. Love it. Especially the in-the-moment reporting.

    I wonder how that shirt would look with "Super Tuscan Red Wine Geek" on it.

  7. Tried one last night for the first time - Golden Monkey. It's made in Johnstown, PA, by Victory Brewing, and is a tripel with 9.5% alcohol content. Got to tell you, Buck, it was damned good. Sort of sweet and spicy at the same time, and two bottles started to kick my ass (I had to drive from where we were at, so stopped because of that fact - would have had another one or two, at least.) Well worth a taste.

    Good luck tonight. I expect, if your score allows, that there will be carnage on the ice around the 18:10 mark of the third.

  8. Thanks, all.

    Kris: I'd like to see that... as in: how you could fit all those words on a tee shirt.

    Jim: The chances of me finding a beer brewed in Johnstown PA are slim and none in these parts. As it is I'm just thankful New Belgium exports its products from CO to New Mexico! Speaking of which... they make a nice Trippel, too. NB's isn't quite as strong (7.8% ABV), but two of 'em will render me unable to drive. Legally.

    Good luck to the B's, too. And I'm hoping your 18:10 wish comes true.

  9. Suddenly, I wish to be retired, and your neighbor.

    The beer and cigars, the shootin' the bull. We'd have a grand old time.

  10. Phil: I believe you're right about that good time. And I have a decided lack of suitable drinking buddies at the moment, too.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.