Thursday, April 02, 2009

I Got Carded Yesterday...

... by the FedEx Guy, of all people. He needed to see my drivers license... insisted on it, actually... before he'd put this fine birthday present in my hot lil hands:

Well, now. Is that impressive, or what? And here I sit, unable to imbibe until such time as my corporeal suffering is over. But I'm thinking the celebration will be sweet when it comes, what with those Tabak Especials hanging out in the humidor and the perfect accompaniment now sitting in the liquor cabinet.

The present was sent to me by my Great Good Friends John and Diane. I've known these fine people for over 20 years now, and John and I have torched many a fine cigar and tipped more than a few tumblers of single-malt together over the course of that time. Here's John, followed by a pic of Diane (in the white sweater) and I (plus a friend whose name I cannot recall, for the life of me):

The occasion was a New Years Eve party at my house in Rochester (Perinton, actually) NY... 1999. Former Happy Days, indeed.


  1. Happy Birthday, Buck.
    Looking at your picture, I'd say the Fedex guy did right. You don't look old enough to get booze through them.
    Have some fun, guy.

  2. Well, ya know, Buck...if you can't partake of that, you could always send it my way. Hate to see it go to waste!

    Just kidding of course! Just gives you one more thing to look forward to, right?

  3. What a great birthday present!!!

    Hope you will be able to enjoy some soon.

  4. Two birthday presents in one day!

  5. It's truly a samll world Buck. I found you via Morgan and you end up having been in my kneck of the woods.

    Perinton is but 5 minutes from where I sit at work right now.


  6. Looks like the tide is a changin'!

    It will be a great year, call this present an omen and signal to the return of the "bluebird of happiness."

    Let the "chicken of despair" go away in shame, crossing the road a final time.

  7. Cat: You are TOO kind! One hopes "fun" is just around the corner...

    Ann: A great present, indeed!

    Lou: You're right, even though the FedEx guy sez "I KNOW you're over 21, but rules is rules..." or words to that effect.

    tim: My four years in Ra-cha-cha were some of the most interesting (in EVERY sense of the word) in my entire life. The world changed forever for me while I was there... and I made some danged good friends, too. I miss the place, even considering all that danged snow.

    Buckskins: That bottle will NOT go to waste, believe me! It's just that gratification will be deferred for just a bit!

    Darryl: I'm anxiously awaiting said bluebird's arrival...

  8. Hope you had (will have?) a wonderful birthday!

  9. Thanks, Daphne.

    Katy: The B-Day was 3/26.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.