Tuesday, March 10, 2009


... from Lex, who got it from one of the regulars (ASM826) via e-mail:

I'm not even close to being a Star Wars kinda guy... but this is just too danged good to pass up. In the same vein... today's Michael Ramirez toon, from Townhall.com:

Dang... Ramirez just impresses the HELL out of me.


  1. THAT was too good (the Death Star thing). And I AM a Star Wars fan. My 6 year old thought it was cool.

  2. That rules - both of them. But I am something of a Star Wars guy, and I love that Debt Star.

  3. I chuckled at the Debt Star when I saw it over at Lex's yesterday. Although I'm worried that there is some truth to it.

    And, yea, Ramirez get's it.

  4. Buckskins: Inflation is my GREATEST fear these days. I can take my ass being handed to me when it comes to my 401(k), but hyper-inflation will be a killer... in SO many ways. Let us pray...

  5. I studied it and studied it and finally came to the conclusion: That dumpy looking guy in front of the unemployment window is definitely Bill Richardson.
    WTG, Buck.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.