Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Coffee Break's Over... Back on Your Heads!

Winter returns... for the next three days, anyway.


  1. "Back on your heads..."

    That's one of my favorite sayings. Used it a lot in the Navy.

    Looks like you are riding the proverbial weather roller coaster down there. Not that I can talk. Snow two days ago, bright and sunny today.

  2. Jeez, that kinda puts a damper on your happy hour.

    Looks hopeful for Saturday, though!

  3. Buckskins: It's one of may fave sayings, as well. Seeing as how the punchline to the joke is older than dirt, it made me wonder if anyone would get it. Validation! Thanks!

    Ann: Ya, Happy Hour will most definitely be indoors for the rest of the week... But at least the sun is out today!

  4. Hey! I remember that joke! Thats funny...and yeah...we feel the same here in OK after almost 90* just last week.

  5. Thanks, Jay. Jokes are probably more common than I think, eh?


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