Thursday, February 05, 2009

This Just In...

... in an e-mail from the Air Force Association's CEO Mike Dunn (who is also a retired USAF Lieutenant General), a link to this 4:27 video about USAF fly-overs at NFL games:

Which I just HAD to share, of course. There's some pretty nice commentary from NFL coaches and players on the fly-overs and a little bit about the prep-work your Air Force does before those jets roar over the stadiums. Good stuff, Maynard... not to mention the plane-pr0n itself.


  1. That, sir, is a pretty sweet little vid.

  2. Yeah Buddy!!! If that don't your patriotic juices flowing you need to check your pulse! I saw this on the NFL channel thanks for bringing it back Buck!

  3. Really good stuff!! Love it. They even had H-60s doing the fly by and I would have loved to be there for that B-52 going over. What show that would have made.

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  4. Thanks, Guys. I agree with you on the B-52 fly-over, Jimmy. Those things are just AWESOME.. and Hella-Loud!

  5. It takes a while for my computer to bring up the video. Toby came home from work right as I was starting the video. He was impressed as was I. Thanks for posting that.

  6. Thanks, Lou. I'm glad you and Toby liked it!

  7. I've watched this half a dozen times now and I still get goose bumps.

    PS - I've sent the link to everyone!


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