Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ramirez On the Stimulus

Michael Ramirez, via Click to enlarge... ever so slightly.


  1. I wish I had a Sugar-daddy/momma to pay all of my bills! By-by SS, I might as well be p****** in the wind! Grrrrrr.........

  2. The word 'earmark' will go now go through the Democratic re-definition process, joining in the plethora of previously redefined words such as:

    - Hero
    - Tax cut
    - Victory
    - Mission
    - Legal voter
    - taxpayer
    - welfare

    You get the drift.

  3. My what big ears you have...

  4. Dale sez: I wish I had a Sugar-daddy/momma to pay all of my bills!

    Me, too... in REAL life! But I'm not willing to pay the price, emotionally-speaking. I wish our pols felt the same way when it came to budget-busting BS.

    Dave: Point WELL taken. I'm pretty sure I heard Pelosi say something to the effect of "earmarks are good" last evening while defending the indefensible.

    Lou: LOL!

  5. Saw this yesterday and just about laughed myself sick.

    It's good, real good.

  6. I thought the cartoon was less funny and more "sick," as in the sentiment/thought expressed... not the execution. I'm thinking we're ALL gonna live to regret this frickin' stimulus. The ONLY thing that's gonna be stimulated, to my way of thinking, is inflation. And that scares the bejeezus out of me.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.