Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Now and Then...

All y'all who frequent milblogs... especially those run by Naval Aviators... are probably familiar with videos produced by those talented folks in our nation's carrier air wings. The advent and ubiquity of video cameras and incredibly easy-to-use PC-based editing software have produced some real gems in the amateur video world. One of the best known examples (4:53):

But... the Air Force got there first. Witness (a lil over seven minutes, and worth EVERY second, especially the engine change sequence):

The notes accompanying the vid on YouTube:
One of the first Air Force Squadron made videos about the arrival of the "new" North American F-86 Sabre jet. This was made by the 526th FIS (Fighter Interceptor Squadron),"The Black Knights". This film was made at a USAFE base in Germany in the mid 1950's. This film is also only available from a select few museums, so enjoy watching it, you will not find it anywhere else on the internet.
A BIG hat-tip to commenter SJBill at Lex's place!


  1. That's a good one!

    The Navy one from the 50's, "Launch 'em" was a great one, too.

  2. Those Air Force guys are wild and crazy!

  3. Thanks Buck, seeing those AF guys make me want to put my fatigues back on and work on some ground equipment. It looks like the personality didn't change much from the 50's to the Mid 70's, 80's and mid 90's! I think that is why I stayed 20 years!

  4. Buck, check this out...


    I spent an hour totally engrossed this navy pilot documentary this morning. Gotta be the best job in the world.

  5. That's what I'm talkin' about Vern!

  6. DC sez: The Navy one from the 50's, "Launch 'em" was a great one, too.

    That it is... I found it, watched it, and now I'm wondering which of these vintage '50s vids came first.

    Lou: Always have been! ;-)

    Dale sez: It looks like the personality didn't change much from the 50's to the Mid 70's, 80's and mid 90's! I think that is why I stayed 20 years!

    Me, too, Dale.

    Daphne sez: I spent an hour totally engrossed this navy pilot documentary this morning. Gotta be the best job in the world.

    Thanks for that Daphne... GREAT flick! I watched in full-screen mode last evening and was wowed!

    Doc: Did you ever film any of your exploits? Like jumping out of perfectly good airplanes?

  7. Buck: There's this, but you've seen it.

    Then there's this, which I don't know whether you've seen or not. Buzzard spliced together video from three cameras: his and mine (he's on my left, I'm on his right) and a videographer provided by the Knights.

    I have tons of video. I just haven't had time to publish much of it.

  8. Buck,
    These video's prove that the Officers in the two air forces do not have enough adult responsibility. Now, most would say that they have to blow off some steam and what not a better way to do that then let them horse around with a camera. But you'll never see video's like this from the Enlisted. They have as much pressure on them in my opinion and some even more (ask any Master Chief or Master/Top Sargent) but they don't go off make videos.

    Anyway, they are funny to watch. Just wish they would act their station in life as it were.

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  9. Doc: Thanks for the links. VERY cool stuff, to be sure!

    Jimmy: Interesting POV, that, but I'm not sure I agree. I've seen some "interesting" vids made by Army and Marine Corps enlisted guys on YouTube... doubtless you have, too.

    I also think some of the guys I hung with would have come up with videos had the technology been there in my day. Some of the pranks we pulled as senior NCOs were pretty danged good... they just weren't recorded on video for posterity. I'm kinda glad they weren't, too. ;-)


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