Saturday, January 03, 2009

Well, Yeah

A 30-second commercial from Ford that shocked a few long-dead synapses into firing:

Those dead synapses? Something The Second Mrs. Pennington said to me during our end-game, to wit: "What are you so upset about? You're getting the Vette." True story.

h/t for the ad: The inimitable Chap, who links to a list aggregator... among which is "Top Ten Spec Ads of 2008," from which this ad was taken. The 2008 List of Lists can be a serious time waster if you let it. You are warned.


  1. Wow. Harsh, very harsh.

    But the commercial is funny, nonetheless.

  2. "What are you so upset about? You're getting the Vette." True story.

    I had a similar conversation recently. Isn't it funny (and by funny, I mean heartless and cruel) what some people consider important?

  3. Christina sez: But the commercial is funny, nonetheless.

    Ya, I did make me smile... by the third time I watched it. The first two times... not so much.

    Amy: TSMP's comment knocked my socks off because it was SO unlike her. There may have been a lil "temporary insanity" at play there. Or a lot.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.