Friday, September 05, 2008

An Update

I received a couple of notes today from SN1. His first leg into The Sandbox is complete. He won’t reveal exactly where he is, OPSEC being what it is, but I’m sure both you and I know, Gentle Reader. But… here are a few excerpts from the first of what will likely be many updates (hopefully!):

It's been miserably hot...but we knew that was going to happen...106 at 1300...

Landed at 1700 and didn't get a room until 2330...but I did get a couple of Stella's! Used the ration card within 10 minutes of it being issued to me. Had a couple, called Erm to let her know I was good, then went on an expedition to find linen for the bed...

Grabbed a quick shower at 0200 and was in bed around 0230 with 25-30 of my newest closest friends. At least the tent was livable.

Won't be out of here today, probably tomorrow.

I'll post when I can...

Your site is blocked on this NIPR net 'puter...

The wifi would let me get to it...but that's under the big top tent and I can't stand the heat!


Ohh...before I forget...

Maine has a WONDERFUL group of people called the Maine greeters.

They meet you at the terminal when you arrive, shake your hand and thank-you for your service. They provide free cell phones for your use as well as cookies and candies, etc.

There was a guy taking pictures who said he posts them to his site...and of course I can't find the card he gave me right now, but I'll be on there for 3 Sep at 1830. At least that's what he told me...

Great support.

Anyone (Kris?) have insight into, or a url for, the highlighted bits?


  1. I'm glad he made it there safely.

    I've heard of the Maine Greeters, even seen pictures of them. I don't remember where the site is, though I'm sure someone out there knows.

  2. He's not quite "there" yet, Becky. Just a stop-over before heading up-country.

    Lou sent me a couple of links for the Maine Greeters, but there haven't been updates posted for this week. Yet. I'll keep looking.

    Thanks for the good wishes!

  3. "He's not quite "there" yet, Becky. Just a stop-over before heading up-country."

    Heh, as evidenced by this little bit:

    "but I did get a couple of Stella's!"

    GO #1 is not your friend. Near beer just isn't the same.

  4. GO #1 is not your friend. Near beer just isn't the same.

    And therein lies the difference between SN1's war and mine. I'll not belabor the point, except to say one of the VERY first things we (an Engineering/Installations team from Yokota AB, Japan) did on a four month deployment to Thailand in the mid-'70s was to build ourselves a BAR. Alcohol was a necessary lubricant back in the day, but that's no longer true. I'm glad I was "there" then, and NOT now. "Change" isn't always for the better.

  5. For the record, GO #1 isn't ALL about beer either...;-). Something tells me that aspect of it is a little more easily enforced in the CENTCOM AOR than somewhere like, say, SEA.

  6. I have the website for the Maine greeters somewhere, Buck. They greeted Robert's group home last year. I have to find that. I must find it and will send it to you as soon as I do.

  7. Mike sez: For the record, GO #1 isn't ALL about beer either...;-).

    Yup... and yet another critical difference between this man's Air Force and the one of today. I shudder to think what might have happened to me, were I forced to live by the current rules. The thoughts ain't pretty... at all.

    Amy: I have the link to the Maine Greeters... I'm just waiting for them to post updates. Thanks!

  8. Is EIP on a blacklist? I wasn't aware you'd made the big time like that. Anything The Blog That Nobody Reads can do to help out with that, just give a shout.

    Very cool stuff. Keep the updates comin'.

  9. Is EIP on a blacklist? I wasn't aware you'd made the big time like that.

    Well... me and a few million of my closest friends who blog on Blogger, or any other platform with "blog" in its name. About six or seven months ago USAF decided to block all blogs on its "official" mil-net, but I've noticed the implementation is spotty. I still get hits from the "" domain... specifically from the Pentagon (lots) and once or twice from Colorado and a few other bases. Some animals are more equal than others, apparently.

    This policy sucks, to be blunt. I'm surprised it hasn't been reversed yet, actually.

  10. "This policy sucks, to be blunt. I'm surprised it hasn't been reversed yet, actually."

    Heh, methinks that Gen. Schwartz has a few more important things on his plate. However, don't lose hope...he shot down the proposed change to go back to the bad ol' McPeak days of maintenance squadrons being owned by the flyers, so maybe common sense does have a chance.

  11. ...he shot down the proposed change to go back to the bad ol' McPeak days of maintenance squadrons being owned by the flyers, so maybe common sense does have a chance.

    And SN1 was PLEASED as all get out, too. What with him being a maintainer, and all. (Well... he appeared to be pleased, anyway. I gotta put the weasel-words in there just in case, ya know, someone's watching/reading.) ;-)

  12. Wishing him the very best over there!

    Wow, the Maine Greeters - what a brilliant thing that is!

  13. Buck - so glad SN1 has arrived safely. I pray for you and your family that it remains that way throughout his deployment.

    As requested, here is the link for the Maine Troop Greeters:

    My mom has had the honor of being at the Bangor Airport on 3 occasions that coincided with troops coming or going. In all her 72 years she says those 3 times are the highlight of her life.

    The greeters have been doing this since the first Gulf War. They are there no matter what time of day or night a transport comes thru, providing homemade goodies, prepaid cell phones and hugs - lots of hugs.

    My mom works part-time in a gem and jewelry shop on the midcoast of Maine. She has met at least half a dozen couples who were in the military and retired to Maine because of their experience with the Maine Troop Greeters.

  14. Thanks for the link, Kris. Did I ever tell ya SN2 & Co. kept their house in Brunswick when they were reassigned last year? They're seriously considering retiring to Maine when he decides to pull the plug. I can see why, after visiting there a couple of years ago. Except for all that frozen white stuff that keeps falling from the sky and accumulating ALL over the place from November thru March... That would put me off. But... to each his own. ;-)


Just be polite... that's all I ask.