… 30 years ago today. Here are the two prime movers in that event:

We were married in the backyard of TSMP’s parents’ house on the Lake Huron shore in Harbor Beach , Michigan . What follows are a few shots of the setting. TSMP came out of the French Doors (underneath the awning) on her father’s arm and joined the wedding party under the large tree on the right (in the second pic), where the ceremony took place. The front of the house is in the last picture. That’s TSMP crouching in the flower bed (she’s actually sitting on the doorstep).

It was a beautiful wedding… aren’t they all? The marriage was pretty good, too, all things considered. We had at least 22 good years together... 20 of them married... and one year of absolute Hell once the handwriting was on the wall. I refused to acknowledge that handwriting then and kinda-sorta still do today, albeit at a much lower level.
It's said “time heals all wounds,” but I don’t agree. Some wounds just refuse to heal, even when you wish with all your might they would. But, Hey! I’m not dead yet, so there’s still hope.
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