Sunday, January 06, 2008


Remember that sorry-assed web site that popped up right after the 2004 presidential election? I feel like starting a new blog in the same vein, but for New Mexicans only. Something along the lines of… “We’re Sorry, America. The rest of New Mexico isn’t as clue-impaired as Bill Richardson…” And I’d publish pics sent in by New Mexicans apologizing for inflicting Richardson on America. Sorta like the one you see on the right. But... umm... literate, ya know?

What a noob… second only to that gnome Kuchinich. Or maybe Ron Paul.

I danged near took a picture this morning of YrHmblScrb holding up a elegantly crudely drawn apology but opted for posting the sunrise, instead.

You’re welcome.

So, yeah, I watched the debates last night. Most of ‘em, anyway, and that’s a first for me. Whereas I’d watched only parts of the previous debates… snippets, actually… the time has come to begin paying attention. I picked a good place to start, as these two back-to-back Republican/Democrat debates were perhaps the best-run of the lot, so far. And I’m not the only one who thinks so. ABC’s Charles Gibson was an effective moderator, the questions were reasonable (for the most part), and the debate was gratifyingly snowman-free. As a matter of fact, even though the debates were co-sponsored by Facebook, the “new media’s” influence was subdued…hardly visible at all. That’s A Good Thing in my book, given the idiotic way YouTube was used in the early going. It looked like the adults were in charge last evening, and I like that. Thank you, ABC. You, too, Facebook.

I’ll have to admit I just couldn’t stomach the entire Democratic debate and switched off (by muting the teevee) about half-way through the second Democrat segment. It got pretty damned ridiculous whenever Santa Fe’s Village Idiot and John Edwards had the floor. OTOH, I could actually listen to Clinton and Obama and… they occasionally made sense (were you sitting down for that?).

I’ll assume you’re still sitting down when I say the Democrat portion of the debate was more enlightening than the Republican portion, which really amounted to little more than “Get Mitt.” While the attacks couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy (IMHO) and produced some great one-liners, they weren’t exactly informative or served to differentiate the candidates from each other. Time magazine’s Michael Scherer characterized the Republican portion of the debates as “The GOP’s High School Debate,” and I tend to agree with his metaphor, if not his conclusions.

My guy ain’t doin’ so well lately. But then again, neither are the other guys. Iowa aside, I think Huckabee will be a non-player as this mess continues, with the exception of South Carolina, where he’ll probably win. Romney’s too frickin’ plastic for me and is the very definition of “opportunist” in my political dictionary. I don’t trust Fred but I like the things he says about Federalism, small government, and dead-terrorists. Ron Paul has (a few) good Libertarian ideas, but his foreign policy approach defines him as a wacko nut-case. So that leaves McCain. I could go there support him with few problems, especially when viewed against the eventual Democrat nominee, no matter whom that might be.

Interesting times.


  1. Well, at least the local village idiot is a demo-rat. Unless he wins the primary or is asked to be VP, there is still a chance NM will not need such a "sorry" website. I don't see either scenerio happening (but, one can never tell, can they?). I'm still backing Fred. But while there is no candidate that is perfect, any of them HAVE to be better than what the 'rats have to offer.

  2. I think Richardson is actively campaigning for Veep... why else would he still be in it? But, judging from Hillary's body language and such last evening, Ol' Billy-Boy is betting on the wrong horse. I still think the Dem nomination is hers to lose... and she and Obama on the same ticket might be a winning combination.

    Perish the thought.

  3. Hi Buck,

    Political junkie that I am, I watched BOTH debates and will watch the one tonight too. I don't get bored with it - I want to hear what these guys have to say BEFORE they take over the country. Were you bothered at all at the level of utter nastiness on the part of some of the Republicans last night? I was hoping our party was above that.

    The Dems on the other hand were so boring I couldn't stay focused. What was with Hillary trying to be a "girl" again saying "You've hurt my feelings....but I will try to go on"??? Sheesh.

    Okay, here is what I read about Bill Richardson on a website somewhere. He apparently was at the top of the list for Hillary's Veep slot ... but in Iowa, he released his delegates to vote FOR OBAMA .... pissing off the HIllary camp a great deal. I guess he is unlikely to be her VP. haha....

    Also, Buck I don't think Rudy is in any way finished. His strategy all along was to bypass Iowa and New Hampshire and fight for it in the later primaries ... so he is still playing his game plan, I think. I just don't think he counted on the John McCain surge.
    What's with that, by the way? I just don't think McCain has ANY CHANCE in winning the conservative vote, so where is his support coming from?

  4. there were debates on TV?

    LOL :D


  5. Must've learned to spell from that Dixie Chick. Apologee excepted.

  6. Love your idea, Buck! Oh, the possibilities.

    How about some "LOL-Apolojeez"? Then you could be deliberately illiterate and show off some cute kitty-cats while you're at it. Kind of a "Mine bathes himself with his tongue and sleeps in sunbeams while school's in session, what's YOUR excuse?" sorta thing.

    I sense an unusual acrimony toward the primaries this year. My money says nothing will come of it since we're very slow to refine our electoral processes. But hope springs eternal.

    See, my guy isn't doing any better than your guy in NH, and there's a real possibility he'll be culled out before I ever get to vote for him. There are a LOT of folks this year in the same position, thinking "waitaminnit, who died and made NH and Iowa boss of everything??"

    Wasn't so long ago NH was "always first, always right" and that's just the way it was, people simply accepted it.

  7. We need one of those web sites for Oregon too - unfortunately, none of them will be going away :( - noone else wants them either.

  8. Sharon: Good points, all. I, too, was disappointed in the acrimony displayed by our GOP candidates. If Hillary and Edwards can be polite to each other (relatively speaking), it shouldn't be a stretch for our guys. BTW... I thought Hillary's "You hurt my feelings. (Looong pause not reported anywhere and KEY to the rejoinder!) But. I'll try to go on..." was brilliant. It DID serve to humanize her just a lil bit. And she NEEDS humanizing.

    Re: Rudy and his strategy... Coincidentally, I received an e-mail from the Rudy campaign this morning that said, in part (when not repeatedly asking me for money):

    For the record, only 78 delegates will be picked prior to Florida whereas 1,039 delegates will be picked on January 29 and February 5.

    Rudy's "50-state strategy" is all well and good and might have worked well prior to all the moving and shuffling of the primary dates. Personally, I think all bets are off now. And his non-performance last evening disappointed me, to say the VERY least.

    I read the same sort of thing you did about My Gov'nor (releasing his delegates to BO), but Richardson denied it in an interview I saw last evening. I thought..."Liar!"

    Re: McCain. His "surge" IS interesting. As to the "whys and wherefores," I'm totally clue-free, but I think it may have to do with his "electability." Or perhaps the GOP rank and file are beginning to view him as the lowest common denominator candidate, which is just a variation on the electability theme. Your guess is as good as mine...

    Doc sez: Apologee excepted.

    LOL! Is an "apologee" sorta like an apogee?

    Morgan: I'm not fond of cats, so your idea is a non-starter with me. Dogs, perhaps...but NOT cats. There's a market glut of cats right now.

    The thing about Iowa and NH being "first" has been a constant in American politics for the last 75 years or so, and I had no problems with the way things were. I AM a conservative (little-cee), after all. It's the other states wanting to be first, too, that screwed things up. I think the "other" states have adopted a sort of a "Special Olympics" mentality when it comes to elections ("You're ALL winners!")... to the detriment of everyone involved.

    MY acrimony is reserved for the asshats that thought it would be a great idea to begin campaigning not quite a year ago. There's a special place in Hell for those guys.

  9. Cynthia: We were commenting together, but separate... ;-)

    You're right when you say "no one else wants them, either." Aren't politicos the most narcissistic human beings EVER?

  10. Fred is still my guy, but he'd better start showing some energy and sizzle, soon. Or he's done and I'll have to figure out where my vote goes - I'd lean towards Rudy in the event Fred drops out or doesn't get the nom. I'd LOVE a Rudy/Fred ticket.

    I don't think I could support McCain -his position on immigration is the reason and it's a big enough one, at least to me.

  11. Toby and I caught a bit of the Dem debate while waiting for a plane in Detroit. Richardson was speaking. I could not help going into my northern NM accent and mocking him. Toby was trying to hush me up since we were sitting in a crowd, but gee, Bill was such and goof. I actually told Toby that it seemed that his real agenda was the Veep.

    I'm still leaning toward McCain although I like Huckabee.

  12. Kris said: I'd LOVE a Rudy/Fred ticket.

    I could live with that!

    Lou said: ...while waiting for a plane in Detroit. Richardson was speaking. I could not help going into my northern NM accent and mocking him.

    LOL! Good on ya, Lou! I don't think Richardson has all that many fans in Deetroit, so I think you were (physically) safe. I'd have liked to have been a fly on that wall, tho!


Just be polite... that's all I ask.