Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Moment of Validation

This is good to know for my self-esteem, which… generally speaking… isn’t all that lacking to begin with. But. According to Google we're the Number One Authority on “How to say stuff in Portales.” Of course we don’t make claims we cannot substantiate. So, proof:

We’re Number One! We’re NUMBER ONE!

Take that, ENMU! You’re Number Five! You can't say stuff better than us! Ha!


  1. I think I can actually hear you chanting all the way on my side of the country..... I guess Congrats are in order for your #1 status!


  2. Heehee... Think the Jr. High level plays into that somehow? Course my blog is the same, so I should be popular for something. Just haven't figured out what yet.

  3. That is very funny. It reminded me of being teased about my TX accent when I was teaching in Questa. The NM state high school debate tournament was held at ENMU. The debate coach, Mr. Archuleta, joked that they needed to take me along as an interpreter. For those of you who don’t understand - my way of speaking is much closer to how people speak in Portales than it is to Northern NM. Hmm, maybe I speak like a jr. high student.

  4. ASW sez: I think I can actually hear you chanting all the way on my side of the country...

    I don't doubt that a bit, ASW. I hope I didn't startle you with that "YES!" when we scored... ;-)

    Laurie: In all seriousness... you've got legions of fans, what with all the good you've done for the troops. But you knew that.

    Lou: I don't think your twang is all THAT bad. There's worse, a lot worse, around here. Apropos of nothing: didja know my high school letter was in debate? S'true, that. Of course, it was an academic letter which was in script (like the band guys get), as opposed to the Big Block Letters the jocks got. I was a nerd before nerds were cool. Well, strike that last. Nerds have never been cool. ;-)

  5. Wow you are one of the popular kids..


Just be polite... that's all I ask.