Friday, August 10, 2007

A Sad, Sad Tale

Child abuse? Ab-so-frickin’-lutely. The Readers Digest version of this story: Radical Feminist is raising a Potential Rapist because her 14 year old son looks at internet porn. But it’s worse than that, Gentle Reader. A lot worse.

There are many, many things in this world to get exercised about, and in the general scheme of things this might be a nit. Or not, depending upon the breadth and depth of this young man’s scars. There are quite a few links in Mr. Riehl’s post…but the ONE link that is most instructive is this one. One needs to scroll down and read “Sexy Time with BitingBeaver's Hubby” in order to (somewhat) understand this "womyn’s" issues with men. I say “somewhat” because…well, (a) Biting Beaver’s description of the anecdote leads one to believe her experience was consensual and (b) her subsequent reactions/actions…especially regarding her son… are irrational and extreme. I’m not going to get into whether BDSM is wrong, right, normal, or whatever. But if it had been ME in Biting Beaver’s shoes, I’d have walked at the mere suggestion of such activity.

As it stands, her behavior towards her child is abusive. There are no other words to describe it.

Just sayin’.

(h/t: Lex. The comments to Lex’s post are interesting, to say the least.)

Back in a bit…

Update: I changed the post to put the word "womyn" in scare quotes, lest you think I've gone over the edge into total batshit craziness, Gentle Reader. Dunno why I didn't do this originally...

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