Saturday, July 07, 2007

I Said I Might. Well, I DID...

Stay with it to the end...


  1. Very funny video.

    Yesterday Cody asked me if Katie was ever as bad as Rylea is now. I said, "Oh, yea. There were times I wondered if Katie would ever survive to adulthood." But survive she did, and is the best dog you could ask for now.

  2. That was great, thanks! Tickled my funny bone. I know you are not a cat lover, but I wish I had my camera downstairs tonight when a moth got in the house. Hysterical.

  3. Just by way of explanation...the camera was new and I was playing around with the movie function for the very first time...hence the "how do I turn this OFF?" comment at the end of the clip. The voices you hear are the ex-GF and I.

    This vid still makes me laugh right out loud. But then, I'm biased as all get-out.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.