Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Today’s Placeholder…

This is pretty funny (the incomplete screen cap on the right - there's more) and perhaps useful, to boot. And there’s much more at Miss Cellania’s place including some good jokes and more than a few mild, yet thoroughly amusing, links. (Miss Cellania’s link is work-safe, unless your boss/workplace takes umbrage at racy jokes in print. There are NO graphic images!)

h/t: Morgan. How DOES he find all this good stuff?


  1. I built up a really good blogroll, one line at a time, that's how.

    Miss C is one of my favorites and so are you. Have fun on that bike, and watch your ass.

  2. You have to be a speed reader then, Morgan. I can't keep up with all the blogs I want to read and I don't really have a life! :-)

    And thanks for the "one of my favorites" words. That's high praise, indeed, coming from you.

  3. Thanks for the mention! Mind you, I don't have nudity on my site, but I can't vouch for all the links.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.