Monday, February 12, 2007

Making the Rounds...

(click for larger), via e-mail. This politically-INcorrect map of the USA. Pretty danged funny, IMO. And it's not completely politically incorrect. Note the authors labeled CA and NY as "Gays." That's fairly PC.


  1. Hicks and Gays in Iowa, huh? Notice not Gay Hicks. LOL!

    I think the Mexican flag in Texas should spread a little this way. Can't tell much difference anymore around here.

    Very funny, though!

  2. :) Gotta send this to my parents...

  3. Oh man, so true. NE is the only real state in the Union.

  4. I kinda prefer being part of Cuba! I actually know a gent (Sergio) who came over with the Mariel Boatlift. He lives in Jacksonville. A prouder American, I will never see.

    Plus, fried plantains are awesome, when served with black beans and rice. Dinner idea noted!

    On that map; I have driven across Wyoming, and I didn't see any buffalo. But I did see where all the deer spend their Summers, playing out on the range! Thousands... everywhere. And jackalopes.

  5. Mike said: Oh man, so true. NE is the only real state in the Union.

    I knew that was coming! Or something like, that, anyway... :-)

    My favorite on this map? Louisiana. It took me about two minutes (literally!) to notice that LA is "Water." And then I laughed out loud, and couldn't stop for the longest time. And then I felt bad for laughing, and that made me laugh again. Rinse, repeat. I am SO bad...

  6. I think I'll move to the land of snow & bears. LOL!

  7. Laurie said: I think I'll move to the land of snow & bears.

    Wait!! Don't go anywhere!! You're already there!! :-)

    "Whores and Casinos" kinda struck a chord with me. And I most definitely am not "already there..."


Just be polite... that's all I ask.