Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I Forgot...

… to tell all y'all about the weather. Yesterday was beautiful, and today will be more of the same, only warmer. I had to run some errands over in the Big(ger) CityTM yesterday and I was able to run around with the top down... for the first time this year.

Yes. This is the way life should be. And it ain't gonna freeze tonight, either.


  1. Lucky you. It just snowed another 2-3 inches here; on the plus side, air temp actually got into the teens today, I think. The high yesterday was a whopping 3 degrees. At least the OG/CC authorized the wear of stocking caps with our BDUs today...they didn't last week, and man, my ears FROZE.

  2. Mike, you must live near me! It was 3 below this morning, if you factor in the wind chill. It's strange when you reach the point where it's too COLD to snow...we are there.

  3. Yup; it was super cold last week. I knew we were in a heat wave when I saw it was flurrying outside.

  4. It was so beautiful out today!! Hubby and I got some work done on my Yukon, then took it to town and washed it. After we picked the kids up from school, he and my 4 year old rode their 4-wheelers and the girls and I cleaned up the yard. It was littered with some torn up boxes and toys from my puppy, as well as puppy poop everywhere. Then we played with the puppy for a bit while the girls took turns with the 4-wheelers. I even had all the windows open in the house today. I could really live like this! LOL!

  5. I feel bad for you, Kris and Mike. But...choices, ya know. There are many advantages to offset the bitter cold of winter when one lives in New England... Fall Color comes immediately to mind. But Iowa?? Nothing comes to mind there... :-)

    Jenny: I hear you... it was a beautiful day! I had my windows open, too. A necessity, actually. Open the windows or turn on the AC! No brainer, there. And I agree: I could really live like this!!

  6. When you live near a really big lake, it's never too cold to snow. It is however much lighter to shovel. Unless of course you live in Oswego, NY and you get 5 feet of it in 24 hours. click here to either commiserate or make you feel good about where you are.

  7. Laurie said: ...to either commiserate or make you feel good about where you are.

    The latter. Definitely the latter. :-)

  8. Thanks Laurie, I feel better too. The cold has been making me grumpy. Fortunately, we had some nice 70 temps to tease us into thinking winter is coming to an end. I will take what I can get of warm weather. I washed and hung the bed sheets out on the line to get that fresh sunshine smell. Now it is back to cold and wet. Oh the Februarys of my life!

  9. Ah yes, fall color in New England. Like this:

    and this:

    Yup - I may talk about how cold it is, but you won't really ever hear me complain about it. Cuz we get stuff like the photos above to make up for it.

  10. Just in case all y'all can't see the full urls Kris posted... you really should go look at this and this. GREAT pics, Kris.

    Lou said: Oh the Februarys of my life!

    It IS the worst of months, isn't it?

  11. And the got even more! The snow machine is ON. further story & pics here

  12. Buck: thank you for making my links work. Can't figure out how to do that in the comments section...


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