Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Under the WX

I was awakened around 0330 this morning by the worst case of heartburn I can ever remember having. A massive dose of Pink Stuff just barely managed to take the edge off and at one point I was seriously considering driving myself to the Emergency Room…it was that bad. I was able to get back to sleep around 0445 and stayed that way until nearly noon.

I don’t get sick a lot; “not at all” would be an exaggeration but is closer to the truth. Thus this lil episode scared the Hell out of me. It’s still with me, as I write...I can feel each sip of coffee move millimeter by millimeter down my gullet to my gut. It’s gonna be a low and slow kinda day.

Today’s Pic: Gary P. Nunn (in the shades) on the Texas Stage at Festival 2000, Houston, TX. April, 2000.


  1. Man, Buck. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

    Did you know you can't take the pink stuff if you are allergic to aspirin? I had to throw mine out.

  2. Thanks, Becky. Things are much better today. I'm glad I don't have any allergies! :-)

  3. Sorry about the heartburn. Gary P. looks like fun. Although today I feel like singing the "London Homesick Blues" - "It's cold over here, and I swear, I wish they'd turn the heat on..."


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