Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Late Start, Part VI

Another slow start today, but it’s not (entirely) from a lack of motivation. So, as is my habit when I’m slow out of the gate, I’ll put up a lil sumthin/anything and be back later. When the coffee kicks in.

I spent the late morning and most all afternoon over in the Big(ger) CityTM yesterday, and when I got back I found this in my in-box:

From: (Name) SPC USA
To: (me)
Date: Dec 12, 2006 11:25 AM
Subject: CENTCOM

Good morning,

I found your blog this morning and spent some time reading.

As military public affairs it is our mission to report to the public what its military is doing. In the past this was done solely via the main stream media. Today, with the advent and growing popularity of blogs, we have been reaching out to those of you who operate and are involved in discussions involving the war and the military.

Would you like to be on our email list? We send out press releases and stories of breaking news as events warrant. Also, we are always looking to gain more exposure to our website and to invite people interested in the events in the Middle East to use our site as another source of information. With that said, I ask that you consider adding a link to

You can also receive our press releases via an automated daily email feed via Feedburner by using the link below.

Subscribe to US CENTCOM Press Releases by Email

I appreciate your time and hope to hear back from you.


Spc. (Name)
U.S. Central Command
Public Affairs

Why, yes. Yes, I would like to be on your e-mail list, and I’m much more than slightly embarrassed that I’m not on it already. And I think it’s a Good Thing that CENTCOM is reaching out to bloggers, with the full-understanding that the note I received is a canned effort. It’s the thought that counts, never mind the thought should have occurred to the Powers-That-Be at least a couple of years ago. Better late than never, eh?

Today’s Pic: “Got Poop?” A vendor stand at the 2003 Roosevelt County Ag-Expo, an annual occurrence here in P-Town. I’d never been to an ag-expo before my 2003 excursion, and it was an enlightening experience for a city-boy, believe me. I had a great time, met a lot of friendly people and got more than a few smiles out of it…and this is one of those (smiles). February, 2003.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. You know, my kid sister is a Public Affairs officer currently "Over There" -- I wonder if there's any chance at all that she is involved in the "reach out to bloggers" effort...?


Just be polite... that's all I ask.