Some pretty cool and unusual plane pr0n: The MiGs of Area 51. That lil photo off to the right is a YF-110, the designation for MiG-21s operated by the USAF. Via commenter Beach Bum, at Lex’s place. Lex flew against the MiG-21 during Project Constant Peg. Worth the read, as always.
Hey Bec! Here’s something I found over at The Lileks’ place this morning you might be interested in: The Musuem of Russian Art. I thought the sample paintings were pretty cool, especially “Wet Winter.” What I wanna see, however, is a retrospective of Commie propaganda “art” from the ‘50s. You know the school: all those beefy, grim faced (or would that be stoic?), Heroes of the Soviet Union-types in various worker poses. As James says:
The theme is “Realism,” but that’s not meant in the sense of “realism,” but rather scenes from actual Russian and Soviet life, as opposed to Joe Stalin riding a tractor into the dawn. I always wish they displayed a bit more Soviet Kitsch – it has a strange power both horrifying and hilarious, dead and alive, and for some reason it doesn’t have the same lurking evil you find in official Nazi art. The evil is stillborn and inert; it’s sleeping it off.
I agree wholeheartedly. It may be kitsch, but it’s interesting kitsch!
Pelosi-Murtha-Hastings update…at Captain Ed’s:
If Murtha was an unforced error,
Steny Hoyer and Jane Harman have proven themselves capable party spokespeople, and have a record for independent thinking. Pelosi opposes them both strictly for personal reasons. She doesn't like Harman, feeling that her fellow Californian hasn't been partisan enough in her role on the Intel committee, and Hoyer ran against her for Minority Leader in 2001. For those personal reasons, Pelosi wants to turn to a corrupt ex-judge and a bumbling porker for party leadership positions, making a mockery of her promises of reform.
Democrats are in a bad position. They can't afford to throw Pelosi under the bus after promoting her as the first woman Speaker in American history. They can't afford to have Hastings and Murtha in leadership positions and then face the voters in 2008 who wanted reform and change. They can't afford to undermine her authority and openly campaign for the reversal of
What he said.
Heckuvajob, Madame Speaker. After two years of your “leadership,”
Wanna read some serious moonbattery? Better even than MoveOn? Equal to WorldCan’tWait? Then go check out Dennis Kucinich’s site. I watched Mr. Kucinich give his “one-minute” speech on the House floor yesterday morning (a ritual familiar to C-SPAN viewers) where he called on the House to cut off funding for the
One of the most emotionally wrenching moments came at
Kucinich and his wife went to pay respects to the dead, as a graveyard in the center of the village was lit by automobile headlights. They walked by several rows of graves, each with a picture of someone killed in the bombing. One picture was of four members of the same family. Buried were a mother and her three children. As Kucinich quietly wept, a hand reached around his shoulder to console him. It was the very man who had lost these family members, his wife and three children.
"As Kucinich quietly wept..." Damn, that's romance-novel prose. Bad romance-novel prose, at that. What a maroon. What a freakin’ maroon! You remember Qana, right? All the MSM angst over
A question you never asked… Shoulda mentioned this in yesterday’s Anniversary post, but didn’t. Have you ever wondered about the title of this blog? I was on the phone with an old friend one evening just before I decided to begin blogging. During the course of the conversation (after I bemoaned the fact there was no Starbucks here, restaurant choices are limited, yadda, yadda) she asked “Why do you stay there, out of all the places in the country—the world, even—you could go? Is this some sort of self-imposed exile or something?” Well, now that you mention it, yes. Yes, it is. Exile in Portales.
The baby finds its name.
Today’s Pic: All the Pennington Men (and a couple of Pennington Boys). On the decks of the USS Mason, Port Canaveral,
Buck, thanks for the Lilacs link. That was great! Lilacs is a genius in the way he picks up the essence of Soviet/Russian cultural ways. I've always been fascinated with how contradictory it is. For instance, Russians insist on treating a woman like a lady - opening doors, carrying her packages, paying her bills - but those women are out there lifting bags of cement, shoveling and sweeping, etc. Hilarious. Kind of sweet, too. I think. And women are viewed in the Eastern way, seen not heard in public, and yet the Soviet system was proud of its efforts to push her into equal rights. So you have Raisa Gorbachev vs Lyudmila Putin.
ReplyDeleteYour bit on Kucinich was a scream. What a maroon is right. A real dupe of Paliwood-like propaganda. I'm not sure what happens to the brain when it goes that far left. Kucinich bought all that MSM hand-wringing and a bag of chips. LOL!
He should read ME blogs for an education. In fact, I think that Palestinianism should be considered a religion. Twosret over at SM's was always so far off the rails, we wondered if she had a medical condition.
Those MiG photos were cool. My oldest watches the Military Channel quite often and described one of the episodes in which pilots described their dogfights over N. Korea. One MiG being tailed by our guys skimmed so low over the riverbed that it kicked up rocks!
Thanks for the fun break from work, Buck!
Fine looking group.
ReplyDeleteAh yes.... isn't this the Russian version of the F-104 or am I thinking the F-105? Whichever one was called the lawn dart! I'm not sure I was a AGE troop. I would better identify the difference between a generator set and a hydraulic unit then two different fighters. The Texas ANG were still flying them when I came into the AF in 76.
ReplyDeleteBec said: And women are viewed in the Eastern way, seen not heard in public, and yet the Soviet system was proud of its efforts to push her into equal rights.
ReplyDeleteInteresting point, that. My all-too-brief encounter with the Russians validates your observation. One of the people I interacted with a lot during the course of my project in Moscow was a female CFO in her early 40s, a very sharp lady who knew her stuff, inside out. She held a position of authority and was quite senior. Yet, during our mandatory "cultural opportunities" (days we spent touring here and there) she assumed a subservient sort of role, waiting on the men in the group, setting out food, pouring the vodka, and all that. She appeared to switch roles naturally and seemingly without any angst at all. Either that or she was a damned good actress!
I sure do wish digital photography had arrived a couple of years earlier. Because I could share pics with you of that trip, if it had. {sigh}
described one of the episodes in which pilots described their dogfights over N. Korea. One MiG being tailed by our guys skimmed so low over the riverbed that it kicked up rocks!
I saw that!!
Dale: I think the -21 was their F-104. And I wouldn't know AGE if it bit me in the hindquarters! :-)