Saturday, June 03, 2006


The primary reason I’m going to Maine this coming week is to honor my oldest granddaughter with my presence on the occasion of her High School graduation. This rite of passage demands something dressier than my normal jeans-tee shirt-boat shoes-with-no-socks, and military-baseball-cap attire. So, I went over to the Big(ger) CityTM yesterday to “shop” for new clothes, something I haven’t done in a couple of years. I do have “dress-up” clothes…when I retired I kept two suits (one light gray, one dark blue) for formal occasions such as weddings and funerals. Anastasia’s graduation is neither, to my way of thinking it’s a “business casual” kind of affair. Sport coat, semi-dressy shirt (and maybe, just maybe, a tie), “nice” slacks, yadda, yadda, yadda. I have all of these items in my current wardrobe, but they are, shall we say, “dated.” I was thinking something newer and, God Forgive me, more stylish might be in order.

Alas, I came away empty-handed. Nothing, and I mean nothing, appealed to me, and it wasn’t for lack of looking, either. Perhaps it’s where I live and the general lack of choice when it comes to shopping. Or perhaps it’s what’s being foisted off on the American male in the name of “fashion.” Or maybe it’s just me. I strongly suspect it’s the latter. Be that as it may, I’m still stuck with my aging wardrobe. In other words: Stress.

Why I Worry, Part LXVII: Ever so often I’ll go off on a rant about liberal indoctrination in The Academy. I haven’t done so lately, so I guess it’s time. Via Bookworm, here’s a tale that simply boggles the mind. In essence, it’s sort of a Ward Churchill tale in reverse: a conservative professor who was suspended and then cashiered by DePaul University for…thought crime.

Klocek has lost his teaching position and school-paid health insurance benefits, and faces a bleak future due to his chronic health problems. He is guilty of a thought-crime, challenging the pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel mindset which has come to dominate the DePaul campus. Klocek’s challenge to this new campus orthodoxy occurred in a cafeteria during a student activities fair last September. For 15-20 minutes, Klocek, who is Catholic, not Jewish, confronted a group of 8 students manning two tables for the groups Students for Justice in Palestine, and United Muslims Moving Ahead. Klocek says he argued that the materials the groups were disseminating were one-sided. On this, he is indisputably correct. Neither group pretends to provide balanced information on the Israeli Palestinian conflict. That of course, is perfectly understandable and acceptable. These are advocacy groups.

Klocek says the discussion was heated at times, and he admits to raising his voice. He says he told the students that Palestinians were Arabs who lived in the West Bank and Gaza – that they had no unique national historical identity. He challenged one student’s assertion that Israel was behaving like the Nazis. He stated that while most Muslims were not terrorists, pretty much all terrorists these days were Muslim. This statement had originally been made by the manager of an Arab news channel, and had recently been quoted in the Chicago Sun Times. It has the incidental merit of being true.

The whole story is here.

There is good news, though. Professor Klocek will get his day in court. He is suing DePaul University, its president, and (the aptly named) Susanne Dumbleton, Dean of the School of New Learning (Klocek’s immediate supervisor), for defamation. The suit seeks damages against DePaul for maligning Klocek’s integrity and professional competence.

It’s so very ironic that Professor Churchill continues on in his position at Colorado while DePaul fired Professor Klocek almost immediately. Draw you own conclusions about that. As far as I know, Klocek isn’t guilty of plagiarism, either. He just seems to be politically incorrect. And that’s a serious offense to the Liberal Academy.

I was treated to a magnificent spectacle last evening from around sunset until about 8:30. I was out and about during that time and witnessed the beauty and power of God’s Own Light Show. There were massive, and I mean huge, thunderstorms just to the south-southwest of P-Town. When you combine the powerful effect of towering thunderheads, brilliant and frequent, jagged, cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning with a New Mexico sunset, you get something to write home about. It’s too bad I didn’t have the camera with me. You’ll just have to take me at my word that the sight was breathtaking. It was the highlight of my day. No rain in Portales, however. Just sound and fury…and supernatural beauty.


  1. Hey, Buck –
    Congratulations on your granddaughter’s graduation. It’s wonderful that you’re making the trip for her and family. It will mean a lot to her, I know. What a special day. Will she be college bound? Does she have interests to pursue?

    I know what you mean about shopping. Why does it have to be so difficult? I hate shopping! (I always have, though) Like you, I can never find what I want. Is it too much to ask for something comfortable (material and seams that don’t feel weird on your skin), something with decent lines and a pleasant color that suits? I have no sense for fashion though, since it’s not an interest of mine, so maybe I just don’t know how to shop, but I swear that most of what I see is total junk. Where does it all go when nobody buys it? If you gave me $1000 and set me loose in most stores, I’d probably come out empty handed. Or with something I’ll later be sorry I bought. One of my former fellow co-workers would tell me that I just don’t know where to shop. She was wife of a General in the Shah’s army and is very European in her respect for good clothing. I always felt like an American frump next to her. I’m happiest in jeans and hiking boots. So there. (Aw, heck. I know you have to dress up sometimes.) Actually, I have to go to a retirement/engagement party next week at a nice hotel, so guess what I’ll have to do? Anyway, good luck!

    Loved hearing about those thunder clouds - you described it so well. I really miss being in big sky country. I loved living in Wyoming for those very reasons. It’s better than television, isn’t it? Do take your camera with you next time! We get some beautiful clouds off the ocean here, but it’s rarely so fast-changing and dramatic.

  2. Buck, it isn't just you. I hate shopping for clothes, too, because of the outlandish things they try to pass off as fashionable these days. Heaven help me if I have to go anywhere that is dress up.

  3. I also hate shopping. See a trend here? For me I just hate the whole shopping experience. I like online shopping much better, and fortunately, I can fit in a standard size most of the time. One cool thing I found online is where you can create an online model of yourself and "try on" clothes to see what styles/colors look best. Must go, check Basil's. Interview is supposed to post Sunday, but I don't know what time Sunday.

  4.'s unanimous! We ALL hate to shop! I'm fond of saying "I don't shop, I buy!" And it's generally true: I know what I need, I (usually) know where it is, I buy it. There are exceptions, like clothes and cars. I do "shop" for both. Shopping is relative, though. I could make an annual visit to a place like The Men's Wearhouse and be in and out in much less than an hour with business clothes to last me a year, back in the day.

    Bec: Anastasia is college bound. She's looking at the medical career area (not an MD), and wants to be a therapist. That was last year, and things are subject to change at her age.

    You get some spectacular sunsets in your part of the world, too. I lived in the LA area for a while (graduated from North Torrance H.S.) and spent many an evening on Manhattan or Hermosa Beach watching the sun go down. It's hard to say where the best sunsets are...I agree with you that Big Sky country is really good.

    Laurie: Thanks for the heads-up. I'm eagerly awaiting the interview!

  5. I thought you were thanking me for the tip about virtual model for shopping. LOL! I had to put one slightly juicy tidbit in the interview, since you asked.

  6. My husband has to wear what he calls "girl britches" to work - and he hates them. I use to buy Dockers, but the legs are fashionably huge - another thing he hates. I buy his slacks at western stores where they sell Riata slacks - very nice and dressy withpout being baggy looking. They can be worn with a polo type shirt or a dress shirt. Jackets look nice too. Just some thoughts.

    Congratulations on your granddaughter's graduation. I hope you have a wonderful time with your family.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.