Monday, June 05, 2006

God's Own Sauna

...but it's a DRY sauna. You did see the humidity, right?

Department of Redundancy Department: Redundant only in the sense that if you read this blog you probably read Laurie. And speaking of Laurie, her interview is up and ready for your perusal over at Basil’s place. She’s fond of Marines.

Late Post Today…and Not Much of It, Either. I hit the streets early (for me) this morning to get the last of the chores done before heading out to the Great Nor’East. Laundry. Laundromat. Ugh. But, it’s done, all my washable clothes are clean, and my wide variety of tee shirts are all there for the picking and choosing.

Well, on to my continuing preparations. I will take time out this evening to watch the first game of the Finals. I’ll say it again, just so you can go "nana-nana-booboo" when it’s all over: Edmonton in six, or less.


  1. 99, but feels like 93.... that's weird. Here it almost always feels hotter than the temp. A property of dew point or something. And...ahem... fond indeed ;)

  2.'s the dew point and the lack of humidity. We eventually got to 103 yesterday with only 6% humidity. IIRC, it "felt like" 95. 95, 103, whatever. That's still flippin' HOT!

  3. Hope your trip went well! I've been firmly ensconced in seminar madness and will be until 6/23.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.