Thursday, March 30, 2006

This is a Buck's NEWS ALERT!

Hell has frozen over. Repeat: Hell has frozen over.

OK, I don't know for sure. But it must have. I'm watching Nancy Pelosi on the News Hour right now and I actually agreed with something she just said. I must be hallucinating.

It was about the competing immigration bills... Just in case you're wondering.


  1. I'm shocked, simply shocked.

  2. I hope you were sitting down at the time. Could've been scary...

    How long did the astonishment last? I'm betting on at least an hour, followed by a reflective period on your personal point of view to ensure it hasn't been skewed somehow...then more disbelief when you realized she may have just gotten lucky. Even a blind squirrel...

  3. Hoo nailed it, Buck. I'm still wondering about my POV, since it agrees not only with Pelosi, but with frickin' Kennedy, too. This is one scary moment...lemmee tell ya!

    PS: the phone situation still sucks and I still don't have a workable solution.

  4. ...and point taken about blind squirrels. I'm {smirk} putting all my eggs in this basket.

  5. "I'm still wondering about my POV, since it agrees not only with Pelosi, but with frickin' Kennedy, too."

    Time to call either or both:
    1) a doctor
    2) an intervention

  6. Never say never... hell, I'm driving a four cylinder foreign car that I purchased new! Three things that I've said I'd never do.
    Another example of how interesting life can be or how humerous God can be.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.