Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Wednesday Wanderings

A week ago today I said I needed to go get a haircut. Still haven't done it, dunno why. While I'm never again gonna look like I do in the picture above (at work in SFO, circa April 2002), I can't seem to bring myself on down to the barber shop and get shorn. And, by way of explanation: I was in the military the entire time long hair was en vogue. When I retired in 1999 I decided to grow it out, just to see what it's like. I went nearly three years before I got back into the mainstream. It's interesting how one's appearance affects the perceptions of your personality in others. Oftentimes strangers would engage me in conversation during my long hair days, assuming I had the classic, liberal-left moonbat world-view. Boy, were they ever surprised when reality smacked them upside the head! This was especially true during the year I lived in Berkeley and hung out in coffee shops and such.

I am so nocturnal these days! I was up again last evening until the wee, wee small hours. A part of me feels guilty about this, the other part of me sez "Why?" Listening to the internal argument is interesting. To me, of course, certainly much less so for you. At some point in time I'll probably become a day-lady again. But in the meantime, it is what it is. ("Day-lady" is a term USAF shiftworkers used to describe those folks working normal hours, i.e., 0730-1630, by the way.)

Good comments to the post titled "A Conundrum," below. Thank you, BB and Sam. I also added my POV.

Just one link for you, at the moment. Lileks is good today, as he usually is. I particularly like the way he describes the interactions with his daughter. The man is a gifted writer and is always the first thing I read, every day.

More later, assuming I get motivated. BIG assumption, at this point!

1 comment:

  1. well Buck, It's funny you should say something about haircuts right now.My hair was down to the middle of my netherlands. I just got my hair cut off, it's shoulder length and it took ever fiber of my being to do it. Why, I don't know but it did.I think it has something to do with conformity and not trying to,
    "BUCK," the system,LOL. I happen to like your hair Samson said Delilah!


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