Monday, January 23, 2006

Just Another Manic Monday...

...not really; I just like the song and the title popped right into my head as an appropriate post title.

Via Lex: What's your perfect major? A fun quiz, and in my case, almost accurate.

You scored as Journalism. You are an aspiring journalist, and you should major in journalism! Like me, you are passionate about writing and expressing yourself, and you want the world to understand your beliefs through writing.





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with

So anyway. Math? You've got to be kidding! Past, present and future: I hate math. I failed second year high school algebra, the only course I ever failed in my entire life. Paid the price for it, too. My Old Man was the martinet's Martinet. My pennance: Summer school and being placed "on restriction" all summer. Not a single date for three months, and this while my 16 year old hormones were raging. Not that there was much chance for a geeky 16-year old to relieve those pressures back in the day. We're speaking 1961 here, and things were different then. Trust me.

I made up for that teen-age deprivation later in life. (Note to self: this subject deserves an extended post. There was a finite "window" of time in which the much-discussed sexual revolution took place. I speak of that brief (relatively speaking) "post-Pill, Pre-AIDS" era. It didn't last long. And I was oh-so-there.)

Lileks looks at Iran in the latest Screedblog. Excerpt:
The American left believed in Iraq’s WMDs and terrorist links in the 90s because it gave them much-needed hawk cred; it was Viagra for their dovish side. Also, it was true. But they've spent the last two electoral cycles preaching defeat, insisting that the Administration says something’s a threat, it’s a lie, a diversion tactic, an election ploy, a floorwax AND a dessert topping. Oh, they’ll suggest that Iran should have been the main target in the first place, but if the US had invaded Persia in 03, we’d be looking at huge casualties, an occupation that continued to this day (quaqmire!) and evidence that the Iranians were still years away from a bomb. Years! And we invaded on that slender pretext? Impeach!

More on Iran: The BBC reports Israel "will not accept an Iranian nuclear capability." Biased BBC doesn't like the Beeb's tone and suggests we look to Fox News for a "fair and balanced" approach. Agreed. I read the BBC's web site and occasionally watch the Beeb's half-hour newscast tailored for Americans. They ARE biased.

In case you missed it, The Grey Lady had an article yesterday titled "Why Not a Strike on Iran?" Interesting that the leading anti-Iraq war print outlet publishes an analytical article about a pre-emptive Iranian strike. Are they daring Dubya to act? Captain Ed explores the possible motives behind the NYT's sudden interest in pre-emption. Sample:

Beyond the Times' inability to give an honest rendition of history is an interesting political question: why has the newspaper become so interested in covering pre-emption when the matter has not yet even come before the UN Security Council? After Hillary's speech at Princeton earlier this week, it seems a little more than coincidence that the Paper of Record suddenly finds pre-emption a valid diplomatic tactic for debate, especially given its vehement opposition to the doctrine entirely when it came to Iraq.
You got it, Cap'n!

It's gonna be warmer today (55 and sunny) than it was yesterday (46 and sunny), but it's jes a lil bit too chilly to take the top down! Nonetheless, I'm cruise on over to Clovis later this morning to get a fresh supply of Mobil 1 for the Green Hornet (plus a wash!) and see what's goin' on in The Big(ger) City.

More later. In the meantime, there's coffee to finish! (and Babs, you can come on down anytime, Hon!)


  1. You're just checking to see if I'm reading your stuff...I am.Most of what I write is silly cause I prefer to laugh but I'll leave the engaging conversation to you. You're best suited it to it, rest assured. I'm horrible in math too. I got a new car so I won't have to walk to N.M. See ya in the AM! Good-nite Buck.

  2. I took that perfect major test, too. My perfect major is art, no surprise there. But my second perfect major is math. Big surprise because I hate math and nearly failed most of my math classes in school. I'll try to get my results posted on my blog sometime in the near future.


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