Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Smack Down!

He might well have said: "Just because I'm young, misinformed, and can't write worth a sh*t doesn't mean I can't express my opinion!"

Wrong. To see just how wrong the young man is, read Baldilocks. The closing paragraph:
You may think that I’m being rather hard on you, Jeremy, but there are young men your age that are at this very moment experiencing tougher things than being slapped down by women who are the age of their mothers. That’s not a slam on you for not being in the military (it’s a choice), however the duty of all good citizens is to use the weapons with which God has inclined us to pick up. Sometimes those weapons are physical; in other instances, the weapons are cerebral. Which ever weapon that God has endowed you with, don’t waste your ammo as you did here. Live, learn---and then tell.
Hopefully young Jeremy just received a much-needed wake up call. But I kinda doubt it.

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