Sunday, December 11, 2005

Richard Pryor

Another passing. I won't attempt to eulogize the man, others have done it far better than I could. Suffice to say he was an important voice in America, besides the fact that he was make-you-cry funny. Go here for links to some great eulogies.

You'll note there's a link at memeorandum to a post by Armando over at dKos. Armando wrote with feeling, as is his wont. He was even restrained, for once, in his Bush-bashing. The only reference he made to the Right was the mild "Not in the way Republicans want to have a "real" discussion, but in an honest way." I can recommend Armando's post.

Now, that said, more than a few of the comments to Armando's post are the usual "take any opportunity, no matter how far removed from the subject at hand, to bash the Rethugs" type. Case in point:
Same here... I grew up in a diverse neighborhood my whole life. It is this reason that I have so much disdain and dislike for the KKK, white supremacy, eugenics, intelligent design, neocons, bush, sellout shills like miller (dennis and zell), lieberman, crony capitalism, corporate welfare, wage slavery, debt slavery, the diamond trade, regressive taxes, sweat shops, the confederate flag, and the fact that there are more slaves in existance right now on earth than at any other point in human history. And americans are bitching that 'christmas is under attack'. Does ANYBODY in this country actually have their head out of their ass?
by Ghur AtteH on Sun Dec 11, 2005 at 06:56:18 AM PDT

Well, Ghur, it's obvious where YOUR head is.

RIP, Richard.

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