Sunday, January 14, 2007

Pretty Scary



Taken about 20 minutes ago. The ice on the wires ain't all that bad, but if this damned fog doesn't go away it will get worse.


  1. SCARY, all right... Stay safe, Buck.

  2. We had a little ice this morning. I didn't have any problems on the roads though. The towns are out busy spreading their stockpiles of salt on the roads. (The warm spells we have had meant layoffs for the salt mine workers in the area). Currently I'm binge-ing on chocolate and trying to figure out what the heck I did with my new supply of checks the bank sent me. I wrote my last check today and have no clue where the new ones are hiding.

  3. Binge-ing on chocolate always helps me. As for the checks, pretend you have a new box of checks and you need some place to put them...

  4. Our temps have also been pretty low. Yesterday our water lines froze. Didn't have a break, but no flowing water until after 2 pm...thank God for those drinking water holding tanks. Coffee was made, so the day was allowed to progress.

    Left our water running very slowly last night...will pay much more attention to the lows (-1 last night!) so that doesn't happen again.


  5. Well, we had a bit more ice this morning. The "heated ice scraper" thingy that I got for Christmas came in very handy. Plug into car lighter and I got all the windows scraped in 10 minutes.... rather than the 20 or 30 it would have taken without it. No problems on the road, they had been salting everywhere. And then again it was a very light traffic day with it being MLK day. Lots of people didn't have to work. BTW, I did find my box of checks right after I posted that comment. Looked over by my phone, about 3 feet from my computer, and there they were. Funny thing was, I was right there at the table putting the phone back not long before that and never saw them.

  6. I've been watching this stuff on the WX Channel (obviously). You're a LOT colder than we are, Buck. Like I've said you guys have SERIOUS winter up there!

    Laurie: One time I lost a box of checks in the RV, which is a pretty small space, compared to a house. I had to have a new box overnighted to me because I couldn't find them, for the life of me. A couple of months later I did find them...I had put a book of old checks (I use duplicates) on top of the NEW checks and thought that box was full of old duplicates.

    I'm glad you found them!

  7. Sigh. Why does this always happen to me? My eldest has a big art festival deadline tomorrow and he has to make out a check for $600 and...he can't find his checkbook anywhere. (It's the coincidence god at work again)

  8. Bec says: (It's the coincidence god at work again)

    Are you sure it's not a ploy to get Mom to underwrite the cost of the festival? :-)

  9. "Are you sure it's not a ploy to get Mom to underwrite the cost of the festival? :-)"

    LOL! I'm sure he hasn't lost his ATM card.... so the obvious solution barring finding the checks is go get $600 cash and give to Mom to write the check.

  10. Hey, I never thought of that...

    Just kidding! Nah, my oldest is one of the conscientious types. He'll use his NEW checks, which he was able to find. He relies on the bank instead of his check register to tell him his balance anyway - unlike his old fashioned mom who slaves over the stupid things.


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