Saturday, January 13, 2007

A Bad Day...

Well, yesterday was certainly a bad day to quit thinking, to paraphrase Peter Graves from the movie “Airplane.” As I wrote in the comments to “Damn!” (below) we’re not forecasted to get above freezing before sometime Monday, at the earliest. So…two, perhaps three, days of “…camping but like with heat and electric” as Laurie so appropriately put it. It’s gonna be interesting to warm water on the stove for bathing and to do dishes. Kinda like things used to be around these parts back in the late 1800s. Except that I can see an end to my pain inconvenience, those tough ol’ pioneers fetched water every day… day in, day out. And heated it on the stove, too. This morning I’m thinking I’m not nearly tough enough to have made it back in those days.

It’s wonderfully quiet outside. Traffic on US 70 is very, very light and not much is moving in La Hacienda Trailer Estates, either. We have moderate fog in the area; I tried to capture it in a photo but wasn’t too successful.

Today’s Pics: The view of the road leading out of La Hacienda Trailer Estates, shot through the frost/ice encrusted branches of a small tree not far from my door. I’ve included a summer pic with roughly the same view for comparison purposes. That’s SN3 on my old bike. This morning and July, 2004.


  1. Its the same out here, too. We cranked the fire up again first thing this morning. I ventured out once to get the mail and just doing that I was slippin' and slidin' down the dirt driveway. My husband went out to bring in more firewood and to break the ice for the cattle so they could have a drink. Things in Portales have been slow for the police and fire dept. today. A good thing, no crazies out there on the ice, yet.

    Dinner tonight is tuna noodle casserole and blueberry muffins. And maybe some more margaritas and caramel popcorn while we watch a movie. Maybe the weather will be wrong and warm up sooner.

  2. It's cold here now (finally). We got about an inch of snow this morning. I stopped over to my brother's house and threw the frisbee for the dog for awhile. That was fun. Except frisbees don't fly that great between being somewhat chewed up around the edges and the snow caked on the underside of it. LOL! The dog didn't seem to care.

  3. It is supposed to hit us sometime this weekend. Today, my a/c has been running.

    My cousins sent over a big pot of leftover gumbo, but it's been so warm out I don't feel like eating it.

  4. We are still frozen in. Toby went out to the paved road yesterday and said it was coated with ice. He has been feeding the horses, but mostly we just stay inside. We watched both playoff games yesterday, and it is the plan for today too. I have been crocheting. Jesse worked on a quilt and a painting. I dyed Jesse's hair. Life is exciting. So far, we have not had any major fights. Gumbo sounds great. Tuna casserole...hmmm, well maybe with margaritas.

  5. I just woke up; things are much the same as they were this time yesterday...24 degrees, fog, and a coating of ice/frost over everything. My drive way is a sheet of ice, the roads in the park look to be the same.

    I just might go out to Wally-World later, ice or no, and buy a new hose and a propane torch. My patience is wearing thin...

    I need my coffee...

  6. That cold spell has crept over here to the West coast, too. There was an inch of ice in the fountain in the middle of town this morning - in Laguna Beach! I can only imagine how COLD you guys must be! Except for you, Becky. :)

  7. We got some snow (about an inch) and we'll get a little more, but nothing big. It's just cold. I have not had to use the snow-blower yet this year, which is fine by me.
    Alisa wants to buy a generator in case we lose power, but I'm holding off.

  8. Hey Buck,
    I am wondering about the cold, and how it might affect your engines of the car and your rv. Are you able to start? Does the oil get thick, when cold (24 degrees F)? Do you have one of those electric heaters, that keeps the oil toasty?

    Just wondering. I can't imagine being in such cold, so I know I would be in trouble.

    Good luck, stay warm and keep the faith!!!!

  9. Bec says: There was an inch of ice in the fountain in the middle of town this morning - in Laguna Beach!

    Wow! I'll bet THAT made the paper/TV!

    dc says: Are you able to start? Does the oil get thick, when cold (24 degrees F)? Do you have one of those electric heaters, that keeps the oil toasty?

    Yes, sorta, and no. The oil does thicken up, but the car is starting OK; I don't need to start the RV. Things don't really start to get dicey in the vehicle dept until you get below zero and stay there for a while. I had a block heater on my old Chevy when I was stationed up in North Dakota and plugged it in EVERY night during the winter. We had 110 VAC outlets at each parking space at the radar site, too. If there weren't outlets to plug into, you left the car running. It wasn't unusual to drive into Westby, MT (where I lived on the NoDak/MT stateline: pop 250) and see three or four cars sitting outside of the bar with their engines running. And they'd sit there idling for a couple of hours, too! :-)

    Laurie: Dogs and snow can be Big Fun!! :-) My dogs LOVED the snow, we'd play in it for hours (literally).

    I WILL have water today, even though we're only forecasted to hit 31 degrees. I didn't go to Wally-World yesterday coz the roads didn't look too I can see clear pavement. I'll finish the coffee and then head out for a new hose and such.


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