Sunday, February 06, 2011

Stuck On Stoopid

That would be me, seein' as how I'm tuned in to the Sooper-Dooper Bowl... beer, chips, and salsa at hand.  Kick off just happened, so we're off.  No offense intended to NFL fans... ya pays yer money and ya takes yer choice... but the Sooper-Dooper Bowl pales in comparison to the Stanley Cup Finals.  There is ONE area where the SDB is better, though.  That would be the commercials, which are the BEST part of the show.

YMMV, of course.


  1. It's about the only sports event we watch all year. Mostly for the commercials - disappointing this year. And the halftime show - which totally sucked this year.

    Oh well.

  2. I think it's the 4th quarter as of this writing, but I'm not sure. Been outside with horses all day. I used to be a huge NFL fan, but, due to many factors, I've lost interest in the last half dozen years.

    But that's just me.

  3. I have to be in bed by 9pm, morning comes fast...

    I was a huge football fan. Played in middle and high school, and volunteered for many years during saturday and summer practice. Then for some reason I couldn't take it anymore. It was a few years later that it hit me why I lost enthusiasm.

    It turned into (or maybe already was) a business. Even at the middle school level, the kids are sorted and judged on their ability to generate wins. Parents move districts to get their kids on the right sports team, and hope they do well enough, not to have to become an accountant or an engineer. I've seen kids get thrown off a team, only to show up on another team when their parents move districts.

    Fathers used to get in my face about not teaching their kids the right way to do things. I would say: "I'm a volunteer Sir, unlike you, so get off my back" which usually didn't go over too well.

    I have to admit there is a lot of talent on the field, and those guys are true athletes, but watching the corporation lined-up along the sidelines, all talking into microphones (probably to their betting parlors) is nothing less than a tragedy.

    To me, it's just a game, and that's why I coach girls flag football now. We are there for the after-game pizza party only!

    Not to mention, my TV being mostly off these last few years. Oh No! I've turned-in to a grumpy old man! argh!

  4. I thought this year's SB was one of the best games played in a while. I thought the half-time show was reeedickuuulous and just plain bad. My favorite commercials were the Audi and the VW (Little Darth Vadar) ads.

  5. Which ad was the one where all the rich people were in jail and Kenny G played over the loudspeakers? That was just plain freakin' hilarious. Was it for Lexus? Great ad.

  6. Mostly for the commercials - disappointing this year.

    THERE'S my understatement for the day! As for the halftime show? I had something more important to do, like reading this month's NatGeo in the bathroom... with the teevee on mute.

    ...I've lost interest in the last half dozen years.

    I was an NFL fan in the distant past, too, BR. It's been over 20 years since that day, tho.

    Anon: You are SO right about the bid'niz thing. Witness all those pros-in-training from the SEC who quit school for the NFL draft, which is one reason I detest that conference. Ooops. My biases are showing.

    Lou: I agree with ya on all counts and said pretty much the same in today's post.

    Jim: I missed that one. My nose was prolly still stuck in the NatGeo.

  7. Jim - the ad you mention was for Audi.

  8. Suldog, that was the Audi commercial - I liked it.


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