Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Obama's Budget

NOone likes it.  The usual source is mostly about The One's ridiculous efforts at deficit reduction, kicking the can down the road, yadda, yadda.  Here's one such:

My favorite, tho, is this one:

The most amazing thing (to me, anyhoo) about Obama's budget is the fact he completely ignored the Simpson-Bowles recommendations.  That was HIS commission and he basically said "thanks, but no thanks."  It's hard to take Obama seriously on the subject of the deficit, even for the most Hopey-Changey among us.  Those of us on the right who never really took him seriously about any-damned-thing could just shrug our shoulders and say "Well, what did you expect?"  But the deficit is an existential crisis, the sort of "make or break" issue that threatens the very life of the republic.  I was hoping... excuse the expression... for something better than what we got.

Reading budgets ain't my cuppa and by that I mean the actual document itself.  I'll leave that to the wonks, thank ya.  But I have read a lot of reaction and analysis to/on the budget and there ain't much "there" there.  I'll put up one brief quote from the WSJ and then I'll go:
This $3.73 trillion budget does a Cee Lo Green ("Forget You," as cleaned up for the Grammys) to the voter mandate in November to control spending. It leaves every hard decision to the new House Republican majority. And it ignores almost entirely the recommendations of Mr. Obama's own deficit commission. No wonder the commission's Democratic co-chairman, Erskine Bowles, said Monday that this budget goes "nowhere near where they will have to go to resolve our fiscal nightmare." And he's an ally.

How unserious is this budget? Although the White House trumpets $2.18 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade, those savings are so far off in the magical "out years" that you can barely see them from here. More than 95% of the savings would happen after Mr. Obama's first term in the White House is over, and almost two-thirds of the promised deficit reduction would arrive after 2016. Pretending to cut deficits by pushing all real cuts into the future is Budget Flimflam 101. 
That pretty much sums it up.  Hope 'n' Change, my ass.


  1. Obama is just all about getting re-elected (thus he is going to punt to the Republicans for the hard decisions). Sickens me.

  2. The other issue with the budget that has "reductions" in it, it is loaded with new taxes.

    Just like the Obamacare bidness... it will require $315 million of taxpayer money going to the IRS just to deal with the new taxes... err... healthcare cost reduction measures that are in it.

    Not for anything, but to me, its never a good idea to expand the IRS and the control of the IRS.

    The IRS has to hire 81 agents just to cover the new tanning bed taxes. Think about that.

    The only Hope N Change that Obama was peddling was the Hope that we would have some spare CHANGE in our pockets after he was done. Even that hope seems like its going up in smoke. (Speaking of which, that is another items where the Feds have increased the Tax dramatically. Guess that means more IRS agents to handle those new taxes as well.

    He is also taking credit for a tax cut, the extention of the Bush tax cuts, even though nothing was changed from the tax rates. And then he puts it in the budget as part of the solution down the road to reducing the deficit.

    This, along with the foreign policy garbage, is why we shouldn't hire an empty suit like him. Sad to think that Obama makes me miss the Carter years.

  3. The whole PresBO Budget is a sham. Since his Budget does not include any payments on the Debt it comes out rosey, even with the huge tax increases they built into this package. And their cuts are on an already inflated budget. Smoke and mirrors.

    I agree with those that say he kicked the can down the road on paying down the debt, Social Security reform and Medicare/caid reform (this last two account for 2/3s of the problem).

    PresBO calls it "Winning the Future"!

    Yeah, WTF!!

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  4. Here are the estimated deficit amounts by year with Obummers budget. Yeap. He will really be trimming the fat... maybe off Moochele's rump, but not out of this spending spree.

    Year Debt(Billions)

    Actual 2010: 13,529
    2011 Estimate: 15,476
    2012 Estimate: 16,654
    2013 Estimate: 17,750
    2014 Estimate: 18,761
    2015 Estimate: 19,776
    2016 Estimate: 20,825
    2017 Estimate: 21,867
    2018 Estimate: 22,924
    2019 Estimate: 24,023
    2020 Estimate: 25,165
    2021 Estimate: 26,346

  5. Buck - I admire your intestinal fortitude to even read about this stuff; these days I just can't get it down.

    He's been campaigning for re-election since before he was inaugurated. I can't wait for 2012 - so that Mr. I Won will have those words crammed down his socialistic, America-hating throat.

  6. All y'all are on the same page as I am; your comments are well-taken. 2012 can't get here soon enough.

  7. Yeah. What you said.

    That having been noted, however, isn't it kinda racist for a cartoonist to depict a Partially African American man with a menial broom in his hands during the month of February, or during any other month?

  8. The prez is not listening to anyone! I think we have a "loose cannon" running (Ruining) our lives. We will show him what "change" IS, next election!!!

  9. It's all Bush's fault.

    Seriously, Bush had caused the effect (through the BDS - Bush Derangement Syndrome) where the people just got fed up with the government and Obama was the blank slate that too many thought was something different.

    I also think race played a big role in his being elected. Too many voted for him to prove they weren't racist.

    The elephant cartoon bugs me a little, in that the elephant looks to be the one who created the mess. Obama sweeping doesn't come off as even the slightest racist to me.

    It is just beyond belief that Obama could even say this budget would reduce the deficit with a straight face. The word play is that it would be even higher with out the "cuts" he proposes. For every dollar of spending that is cut with this budget there is 8 dollars in additional tax. Think about that, then justify the deficit being almost double of today. What cuts?

    Cloward Piven? Sure seems that way. And Obama is counting on people only listening to his words and not looking any further than that. Just like they did when they elected this bum.

  10. I haven't read much on any politics, so I thank you for giving me a taste of what is going on. This whole deficit thang is hard for me to wrap my head around. But Moogie makes me laugh.

  11. Moogie: Heh. OTOH, I think Obama is perfectly qualified for sweepin' up and got Peter Principaled into his current job. He should go back.

    Ed: November 2012 can't possibly come soon enough.

    Anon: You're sorta right about Bush and the elephant, too. I almost didn't post the toon because of the "first glance" GOP association, but there's the caption, which makes it all clear.

    Cloward-Piven? Nah. Too much Beck, mah man.

    Lou: The sheer numbers of the deficit make it hard for ANYONE with common sense to wrap their head around it.

  12. I don't understand why anybody's surprised by this. There is coming up with a plan that produces the desired results...there is selling it. The suckier the plan the more talent you need to have getting it sold; some people are such fantastic salesmen they could sell pig excrement to a hog farmer by the ounce.

    I figure, somewhere after 1972 the democrats decided their nomination process was about one thing: Finding a champion on the far side of that spectrum, someone so talented in presentation that he can present absolutely wretched deals. Even Mondale and Dukakis were part of this, they just didn't figure out "Guy I'd Love To Have A Beer With" was critical to this formula until Bubba came along.

    Somewhere during W's presidency, America has shown an acceptance of this to a degree I would personally describe as toxic. The better the sales pitch, the more mediocre and random the plan can be, so why not just go all the way and get a dynamite salesman to pitch us a plan that might as well have come straight from a Magic 8 ball?

    It's time for some budgeting, and this formula isn't working out too well. Once again, we see some events that need to show up in the next GOP commercial, and if they don't, someone on that side needs to get fired. We've got wicked decisions that need to get made here, and our Chief Executive doesn't seem to know how to add or subtract or even see the importance involved in learning how. He's part of the "You don't get it, ma, I was putting the cookie back in the jar" dynamic.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.