Thursday, February 10, 2011

Damn Part II, or Worse Than I Thought

I didn't go out yesterday.  There was no need as I was stocked up on all the important stuff and it was just too damned cold out, anyhoo.  But I did order a pizza last evening.   As I was taking delivery I happened to look down, upon which time I scared the livin' Hell out of the pizza guy with my very emphatic and menacing "FUCK!" exclamation.  He stepped back a bit, still clutching the pizza box and looked at me with a wide-eyed "fight or flight" expression, the best I've seen lately.  "It's not YOU," sez I... "it's THAT!"  And this is what I saw:

It looks for all the world like I have a busted water line and it looks pretty bad, don't it?  So, whereas I THOUGHT our freeze-up yesterday morning was my fault for not leaving the tap running, it wasn't.  It was something one whole helluva lot worse.

Andy the RV Doctor will be dropping by for a house call tomorrow, once it warms up and we can see exactly where and how bad the break is.  

Sigh.  It's always SUMTHIN'.


  1. Yeesh! I've asked before and didn't get an answer so I'll have to ask again. How come you get to have all the fun?
    Because you didn't say it, I will. PIG-DOG-MO-FO!

  2. That is the pits, but at least there was not a picture of you covered in mud and water under the RV. What Deb said plus Rabbit, Horse, Donkey, doodoo.

  3. Oh damn Buck. Hope it's a relatively easy fix in all that cold weather.

  4. Thanks for the sympathies, Ladies. And Deb... I musta REALLY "done somebody wrong" in my past lives to deserve all this fun of late.

  5. Hope you get the busted water line repaired/replaced and the weather warms up a bit. I know her name is El Casa Móvil but all that ice around her base calls into question the Móvil part. She looks like she's frozen to the ground.

  6. Dang, man. I'd suggest you head south for the winter but you're already there.

  7. Shoot. Here's hoping it's something entirely small and previously unthought of, rather than what you assume. You know your place best, though...

  8. Not. Fun. At. All. Having had, and replaced, frozen/broken pipes last year, I feel your pain. But not all your pain because we at least had water through the other meter.

    The Casa does indeed look like her tongue is stuck to the flagpole.

  9. Dan and Moogie: Yeah, it would take some doin' to get ECMdP mobile. The ice lake is prolly worse than it looks in the pictures, too. This had been goin' on for some time, apparently, and I was TOTALLY oblivious. Talk about "silent killers."

    Inno: Well, I could be a lil further south, I suppose.

    Jim: Thanks for the thought, but I'm afraid this is just as bad as it looks.

  10. Oh man, you are eff yew q e d!

    Of course, the temperatures are not conducive for anything good to come out of this.

    I feel for you and your new frustration. Are you sure you aren't ready to get to Florida?

  11. Have you sent a big ole Thank You to Al Gore yet? Now that he has that Olberduchebag working for him, he can get back on TV spouting out the hot air we need to warm the planet so's you are not freezing your ass off!!

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  12. That will buff right out...

  13. The only thing that comes to mind is "that sucks", but then I'd only be stating something that you are all to well aware of.

    Hope your repair guys come through for you.

  14. Oh, for the Arizona Riviera. I feel yore pain.

    This is an expensive disaster. If there's just a smidgeon of consolation: You are not alone.

  15. Yeah Buck, you're right. It is as bad as it looks.

    This year has been tough. Really tough. We're used to some cold weather, but not this cold, and not this long. We've busted two pipes with water dripping, and you've been at least 10 to 15 degrees colder than us.

    Good thing is, even if you had to replace all the plumbing in the RV, it's not much linear footage. Bad thing is, it's probably a bitch to do.

    Good thing is, you've got the very capable Andy (who/whom/whatever I remember from last year).

    I made a vow to quit bitching about cold weather, because all my blog buds had it worse than I. Now, I can remind myself not to bitch about our bursted pipes.

    Crud...that looks bad.

    HA! WV: spring

    Sure...what's that?

  16. MissBirdlegs in AL11 February, 2011 08:21

    Dang, Buck! Sorry to see that mess. It's no consolation to you, but you'd have to go really, really far south to get away from crap like this. We had snow cover yesterday morning & 14F last night. Good news for us is up to 65F next week - probably just long enough for us to get kinda used to it. I'm not throwing away the longjohns just yet. ;-)

  17. Oh, so sorry to hear this. We have been lucky here. No power outages except for a few minutes at a time and all water working. I'm thinking of you. I have two nieces in your town and haven't heard from them. Ouch!

  18. Are you sure you aren't ready to get to Florida?

    The thought has crossed my mind, Darryl.

    Have you sent a big ole Thank You to Al Gore yet?

    I've got his thank-you note right HERE. He's gotta drop by to get it, though.

    Hope your repair guys come through for you.

    Me, too, BR. Me too.

    If there's just a smidgeon of consolation: You are not alone.

    I know I'm not alone, Bob, but I think the plumbers are the ones being consoled. ;-)

    Good thing is, even if you had to replace all the plumbing in the RV, it's not much linear footage. Bad thing is, it's probably a bitch to do.

    That's an understatement of massive proportions, Andy. I think the manufacturers build RVs around the plumbing. But where there's a will, there's a way. I feel YORE pain, too... dealing with broken pipes is no fun, no matter if it's a house or an RV. It just sucks.

    And thank you ALL for the kind words!


Just be polite... that's all I ask.