Saturday, February 12, 2011

Because What You Do In Your Bedroom IS Our Bid'niz

Via a tweet from Iowahawk.  Sure beats a hoodie-footie, don't it?


  1. Interesting choice for a spokeswoman.

    And, yes. Beats the bejeebers out of a Hoodie-footie!

  2. Interesting choice for a spokeswoman.

    Well, it IS a family business. I got a kick out of the " by my Mom and Dad..." bit. One wonders at what age she began helping out at the store, no?

  3. I used to rent porn movies on video tape back in the 80's, I guess it was. It was for our Saturday night card game. Really bad stuff back then, probably worse now, but I wouldn't know (really, I get no rise out of it).

    Anyway, I mostly loved going to rent the videos. There was two ladies (and I mean ladies, they were like super normal) who I suspected as being lesbiannes, as one had a short cut like the woman in the video there, and the other had your typical 80's frizzie.

    It was so much fun for them to pull out five videos and give me a review of each of them. I mean, they could have made big bucks on a TV show with their style and humor. I would select two just based on their review, and they would get all giddy and say stuff like "you are going to love these" and "you picked the good ones!"

    I'm sure they are selling used cars today, but I always had to wink about how good they were at selling just about anything.

    They could have sold me light beer they were so good.

  4. Heh! What Moogie said.

    And, I ALWAYS love it when Anon weighs in. The dude has amassed a wealth of "experience."

    Nyuk! I ain't tellin' what my WV is.

  5. When she was a child, how do you suppose she answered when asked what her folks do for a living?

  6. BR: Prolly sumthin' like "they run a store."

    Andy: Yup!

    Anon: The soundtracks from '80s porn made a few stand-up comics RICH. Well, mebbe not rich, but that cheesiest of cheesy music was fodder for more than a few jokes.

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  8. Anon, you got some kind of premonition or something?

    I think I'd start wearing Crocs. But then, some redneck might kill you for being gay.


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