Saturday, June 12, 2010

Your Mission... Should You Decide To Accept It...

Remember that post back on 5/25 when I referred to songs that were on my "enhance the mood" cassettes in the way-back?  Well, we got this very nice comment on that post sorta late last night (thanks, AHFTD!):
Okay, long time lurker, first time poster. exileinportales is in my top 15 blogs much like Exile On Main Street is in my top 15 CDs. Although I am early GenX (in high school in the early 80s) and do love some of the early 80s music (The Cars, Devo, X, The Cult, etc.), lately, I have been getting into the late 60s/early-mid 70s music. Led Zep, The Stones, The Who, The Doors, even Foghat thanks to you. So, my question to you and the other commenters for this post, what was on your "mood enhancing" cassette back in the 60s/70s/early 80s. Please list your playlist (10-15 songs) that helped you make it through the night. Thanks.
Wow. That's gonna require some thought.  On my part, anyhoo.  The seduction-tape thing came to my mind in a sorta flash of consciousness when I posted that Joe Walsh tune.  It has been WELL over 30 years... more like 33 or 34 if I was actually counting... since I built one of those tapes and you know what they say about memory and old age.  It's mostly true, too.  

The only thing that comes immediately to mind is there was lotsa Joni on those tapes, but not everyone is into The Chirp.  Things like "Rainy Night House," "A Case of You," "Electricity," and you know there may be more (that's a Joni inside joke... I HAD to throw it in there).  Being as how I was a Sensitive Seventies Kinda Guy there was a liberal sprinkling of Jackson Browne, Dan Fogelberg, and others of that ilk (the tunes at the link prolly made the cut).  And "Moonlight Mile" was ALWAYS on those tapes.  Always.  And since there's never a bad time for that tune... we'll play it now!

OK... any of you Gentle Readers want to offer up the play list of YOUR "mood enhancing" tapes? Coz Enquiring Minds wanna know.


This is an EIP tradition, seeing as how we've recognized this day every year since we began blogging.  What we said on this date last year:
Today is The Second Mrs. Pennington’s birthday. She’s 53 today, and I have no compunctions about publishing her age. Real Women are proud of their age… the experience it brings and both the inner and outer beauty of maturity. I think TSMP falls into that camp. Or strides resolutely into it… whatevah.
So… in honor of the birthday girl… here’s a pic from the Way-Back; March of 1998, to be exact:

Happy birthday, Paula.
Add another year... 54 today.  By Odin's Beard!  That girl is gettin' OLD!


  1. About the mood music; Back in 79-80, we had a pretty spiffy modern stereo system which blasted out the barracks. At night, we had a cassette which had Dark Side of the Moon on one side and Wish You were Here on the other. This was late night music used to help the young ladies' get into a luvvy mood.

    Fripp and Eno's "Ambience" was another mood altering album we used to mellow out after a busy night at the EM Club, chasing girls.

  2. "By Odin's Beard! That girl is gettin' OLD!"

    OUCH. I hope your insurance is paid up.

  3. Buck, I'm gonna work on a list this afternoon, and get back to you.

    Fogelberg will be on mine, and some Jim Croce, some Eagles, etc.

    But, I'm surprised you didn't immediately note: "My Sweet Lady," by John Denver. ;)

  4. But, I'm surprised you didn't immediately note: "My Sweet Lady," by John Denver. ;)

    BA-WAAAH-HA-HA-HA!! Oh shit, Oh Dear! BA-WAAAH-HA-HA-HA!! You owe me a keyboard.

  5. ...we had a cassette which had Dark Side of the Moon on one side... used to help the young ladies' get into a luvvy mood.

    Yeah, and I'm bettin' they sat right straight up when the alarm clock intro to "Time" kicked off. ;-)

    OUCH. I hope your insurance is paid up.

    From my in-box: "Buck,
    Thank you for the birthday wishes. Robert is...(snip) I love this picture of him!

  6. The whole point was to get wimmen in the mood, not me OUT of it... Yanno?

  7. virgil xenophon12 June, 2010 16:53

    In my day (early 60s) the "Bolero" was "supposed" to be the one according to legend, oh, wait, that was for activities AFTER they were "in the mood." :)

  8. Despite the namesake I was always partial to Jim Croche, Harry Chapin and Stan Rogers. Yeah I know they are all dead and taken before they were done but they sure put it out there.

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  9. I like Andy's choices pretty well. Of course, I was more in to country back then, so I might have to add Willie Nelson or Kenny Rogers. I'm sure glad things change over time.

  10. Maybe Linda Rondstadt and Emmie Lou Harris too!

  11. Um. Well, in the early 80s, I was rather young and had no mix tapes... Matter of fact, I only caught the last 3 months of the 70s, born late September '79.

    However, I'm a bit of an old soul, and the material on my mix tapes in the mid '90s could have been found on mix tapes in the early 80s...

    I think it all happened when Wayne's world came out and breathed new life into Bohemian Rhapsody. I have 3 bothers, who were 13, 14, and 15 when I was born, so they had a pretty large collection of music from the 60s and 70. My oldest brother, at my request, made me a mix tape with B.R. on it, and he filled the tape with other such music, including:

    Queen's "The Profit Song" "39" and "You're my best friend"... the last of which I'm really rather tired of. I think it's played on just about every station from one end of the dial to the other.

    Led Zeppelin's "Misty Mountain Top" "Stairway to heaven" (See the last queen entry above), "Going to California", and "Tangerine"

    That's just to name a few. I can't remember some, and wouldn't admit to a couple others... :)

  12. In my day (early 60s) the "Bolero" was "supposed" to be the one...

    That extended into the '70s and early '80s, too. I think Bo Derek had sumthin' to do with that. ;-)

    Jimmy: We'll agree to disagree on Croce and Chapin... two guys whose music I can't stand; I had to google Rogers as I'd never heard of him.

    Lou: I might post some Emmylou today. Her "Boulder to Birmingham" has ALWAYS been a fave of mine (well, since it was released anyhoo). I've seen the woman at least three times and her voice is about the sweetest thing in all of creation. Her collaborations with Dolly Parton and La Ronstadt were superb, too.

    Matt: You have good taste, m'friend. And I have MORE than a few faves and once-upon-a-time faves I'll never own up to in public. I did enough damage to my credibility with that "Sensitive Seventies" crap. ;-)

  13. I'm voting for some Emmy Lou myself. I never did get my list together...

    But, I'd have to have Photographs & Memories or These Dreams(Croce..., Same old Lang Syne (Fogelberg), Baby I love your way (Frampton), Desperado (Eagles, or Ronstadt), Whiter Shade of Pale (Procol Harum), Close to you (the fabulous Karen Carpenter), and of course, MY SWEET LADY! DANGIT!!! ;)

  14. Oh yeah...I forgot...

    Make It With You, or Baby I'm A Want You (or both) David Gates...

  15. re: Croce, Gates, Carpenters (either or both), Denver... It's a wonder you don't have diabetes of the brain, as it appears most of your "likes" come from the Sugar Corn Pops aisle of the music sooper-market. You've redeemed yourself through the inclusion of Emmylou, Procol Harum and some Eagles. ;-)

    I'll give ya a pass on Frampton, coz I went there... in a BIG way... too. Besides, I know some of your history there and one can't poke fun at "Our Song," now... can we (heh)?

  16. No doubt, Buck! On all counts. Ya' gotta remember...she was 16, and I was 17 when the madness of love come upon us in 1976.

    So, I didn't have to try all that hard. Obviously.

    And, as to the Denver song...just joshin'.

    There were some other ones I'd have put on a list. But, the old thinker moves slow these days.


    HA! Word verification: mucktune Nyuk...

  17. What fun ... I am working on my soundtrack list..... I'll be back ...


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