Sunday, June 13, 2010

Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack

I mentioned in comments somewhere below that we'd do some Emmylou for today's Happy Hour soundtrack.  Since we're not in the habit of making empty promises...

That's my favorite Emmylou song.  It's a funny thing, that, in that I've ALWAYS had a "thing" for songs "full of heartbreak and desire," even back in the days when I was fulfilled from the purely romantic perspective.  And funny thing... yet again... I tend to avoid those types of songs nowadays.  The mind is a weird and wunnerful thing, innit?  But leave us not go too far down THAT rat-hole, for it's way too nice a day for that sorta shit.  Nope, let's get right down into the barfly gestalt... yet another genre I have a special affinity for.

Ah.  There ain't none better at this particular bit, and God knows there are more than a few that have made a buck off of this meme.  All y'all can sing along, if'n ya wanna.  The road goes on forever and the party... it never ends.


  1. Buck, if I were not so worn to a nub from a leisurely Sunday that started out as a day with "nothing to do," and ended wo' slap out...

    I would rise to my feet and applaud for hours...maybe even flick my bic.

    Man! I saw EmmyLou at the James Burton Guitar Festival a couple of years ago at The Hirsch in Shreveport. The chick has got "IT." I never get weary of her work...

    Excellent. Truly excellent.

    Te quality of this video sucks...but I'll link to it anyhow.

    There are some better ones in the sidebar I reckon.

  2. Ah, Andy. It's comments such as this that make blogging a worthwhile endeavor. Thank you... from the bottom o' my heart.

    I searched long and hard for suitable Emmylou clips for this post and was disappointed in the lack o' quality in most of what I found... as you know so well. But, all THAT said... thanks for the link. Emmylou is one of those "National Treasure" things we go on about so often.

  3. I love both of these songs. My dad often called me the Queen of the Silver Dollar and would ask different band singers in RR to sing that for me - good memories, but you made me cry. "Boulder to Birmingham" is also sung by Bonnie Hearne on her CD "Saturday Night Girl" (Bill and Bonnie Hearne who are old folk/bluegrass singers who live in Santa Fe). My ex-sister-in-law sang with Emmylou and Linda Rondstadt on some TV show years ago. I hate to admit it, but my SIL could sing and hold her own with the best of them. I remember thinking, "Wow, Tish can sing as well as Emmylou. Too bad she is such a bitch."

  4. Sorry, Lou. Some songs make me cry, too... I say this knowing there's risk of losing my man-card. But it is what it is. Yet then again... you made me laugh with the "Too bad she is such a bitch" line.

  5. Laughter is the best medicine in my book.

    VW: sking - what Okies do rather than skiing.

  6. Buck, Emmylou is my all time favorite girl singer. Both of these songs are great and the first one is actually one I don't remember hearing before. It, as my Mom used to say, is a song that will give you a "knot in your throat." Thanks for this. You've also inspired me to do an Emmylou post of my own.


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