Wednesday, June 09, 2010


SN1 sends along this pic he snapped at the Class VI store on Shaw Airplane Patch:

I added the text just to belabor the point.  Coz I know some of you Gentle Readers are NOT beer-drinkers.  Even tho you should be.


  1. Totally don't get it. Sigh.

  2. OK, Kath... Just for you: Corona and Dos Equis are from Mexico, Heineken is from Holland, and Guinness originated in Ireland but is prolly brewed in these United States so technically it, too, is domestic. But Fat Tire was born and raised in Fort Collins, Colorado so is TOTALLY domestic, as opposed to imported. (sigh)

  3. But they charge an Imported Price for fat tire.

    P.S. Don't Fruit the Beer!

  4. Heh! Guess they missed the "New" in New Belgium.

    Somebody needs to buy them a map.

  5. But they charge an Imported Price for fat tire.

    Ya gets whats ya pays for. Quality costs.

    And some beers require a slice of citrus... it's tradition. Even the Germans... they of the Reinheitsgebot, agree... when it comes to Weissbier. Leave us quote one such, under "serving suggestions:"

    Weiss-wurst (veal sausage), pretzels, Dusseldorf mustard, mettwurst, vegetable pâté, crab Louis, sand dabs, fried smelts, Sunday brunch. Serve in tall vase-shaped weisse glass; a thin slice of lemon as garnish is a personal choice.

    PERSONAL choice. Every bar I've ever been in always asks and most serve WITH lemon or orange unless you instruct them not to.

  6. " Ya gets whats ya pays for. Quality costs"

    What I meant was that the Class Six employees were mistaken in thinking it was imported because of the import price. Most people have now idea at all about quality beer.

    I understand some people require fruit for their beer. My preference is to taste the beer as it was made. Me just like to make noise about nonsense, just to make noise!

  7. Branding myself as uncouth I'm sure when it comes to my beer preferences: Corona with lime is the top of the list. Followed by Bud Lite Golden Wheat.

    I know - fire away. What can I say, I'm a red wine kinda girl.

  8. Me just like to make noise about nonsense, just to make noise!

    Heh. Rabble-rouser! ;-)

    Kris: Sigh. But you have lotsa company in these United States.

  9. I do like a poor man's margarita. I had my doubts that NM was in the USA, but I was pretty sure CO was north of the border.

  10. Full disclosure: I've had the odd Corona or two... when others are buying.

  11. Buck - your sigh said it all. I don't consider myself a lemming most of the time - but in the beer category well...I'm adventurous in that I'll try different ones but invariably I don't like them. I stick with what I know, it's safer that way.

    At least where beer is concerned. Now talk about red wine and my adventurous streak goes viral.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.