Monday, June 14, 2010

Bits and Pieces

Our humidor was restocked today, given as how we received our monthly resupply shipment... or somewhat more frequent, depending on circumstance and the availability of one-time-good-deals and the like... from  This time we went for what is our cigar of choice more often than not, the Acid Deep Dish.  We've put up pictures of this beauty in the past, and this one will do for today's purpose:

We're drinkin' Fransziskaner this afternoon, not that that matters. And we're not smokin' a Deep Dish, either.  Nope.  One of the many things I like about is they'll throw in a freebie or two when you buy your stogies by the box.  This time my cigar-bud Tim Blythe threw in a three-pack sampler consisting of an Acid Kuba Kuba and a couple o' Acid 3 Opulences, one each of the robusto and toro sizes.  We lit off the toro for today's Happy Hour and were MOST pleased.  I can't find a review of this cigar anywhere on the innertubes, so we'll go with some marketing fluff from
Opulence 3 sports a jet-black, oily maduro wrapper from San Andres, Mexico that provides a rich and creamy character with a pronounced sweet nuance noticeable in the finish. This wrapper is perfectly balanced with a hearty blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos grown in Esteli, where some of the strongest Nicaraguan tobacco is grown. These tobaccos were harvested in three separate crop years including 2005, 2006, and 2007, making Opulence a rare, incredibly limited treat.
Well, yeah, what they said.  The cigar is impeccably constructed as well, with a light easy draw that produces hearty volumes of sweet-tasting smoke.  This stick arrived in excellent shape... well humidified, soft and pliable, and above all: tasty.  We may have to buy a box of these the next time we go to the well.  It's that good!


I was talkin' to SN1 the other night and casually inquired as to whether he would be in uniform for SN2's change of command.  He replied in the affirmative and laughingly mentioned that SN2 would prolly get a case of the vapors, seeing as how Buck is up to 22 medals and ribbons now.  "Some of which I actually earned," he added, knowing full well that medal creep is one of my hot buttons.  To be completely fair, that's one of SN1's hot buttons too.  We have a tendency to go on about that whenever the subject comes up in conversation over a beer or three.  Which I'm sure it will next month.  It's hard to tell from this photo... which cannot be embiggened... but it looks like SN2 is sporting about a dozen awards and decs, at the most.  Still and even, both of my offspring have me beat seeing as how I only wear nine ribbons on my Class A uniform (see the sidebar).

Which brings up another subject.  We're letting a cat out o' the bag here but I've been entertaining the ideer of buying a new Class A uniform for the change of command, as opposed to wearing a simple bid'niz suit.  It would only be right to wear the uniform in honor of the commander as he assumes command... and it would also be a great thing just for the grins and giggles it would provoke.  We would take pictures of course, there being a demonstrated need to update this ol' chestnut:

That pic is OLD, Gentle Reader.  The NROTC cadet is now a commander, the senior airman is now a major, but I remain a retread master sergeant.  Some things change... and for the better... others don't.


  1. Outstanding photo, I don't care how old it is! You are without a doubt very proud and rightfully so.

  2. Buck, Great looking Dad and great looking sons. Staci's right--you have every right to be proud.

  3. Fan-damn-tastic photo Buck! Really just awesome in every way. Love the idea that you'll be in uniform for this next event. Such an honor in all ways.

  4. Terrific photo and congrats. Both sons have done well-you must be proud.
    Looking forward to the update.

  5. Hmm, uniform or bud'niz suit - either way, you will look dapper. I think the your boys (and girls 'cause women love a uniform) would love the uniform. I'm excited and I don't even get to go.

  6. That is way cool, Buck. Seriously. God, they're good looking men...

    I haven't ever even met them, but it's almost like a picture of kinfolk.

  7. I vote for the new Class A. The chance to engage in Tradition should never be wasted, IMHO. The husband might not agree, not having donned a uniform since his retirement -- not that I haven't tried to get him into it!

    What a wonderful time for your family! Can't wait to see pics! Please pass along a hearty, "Hooah!" to the new CO, aliong with a happy hug from Moogie!

  8. It's cute reading the pride you feel at your SN's.

    And I will say: men in uniforms are DAMN.HOT.


  9. I, for one, would be willing to pitch in a few bucks to see you in a new uniform :-)

  10. Buck, I was gonna vote on a new uniform for the event.

    But, I wasn't sure if you'd pass the hair regs, not knowing your current state of growth...or what you'd be willing to do to "conform."

  11. Thank you ALL for the kind comments, I am most pleased and humbled.

    Andy: Conform? Me? I'd do the bawaaaah-haha thing, but that's SO yesterday. My uniform will be perfect, I'll get a haircut this week or next (my semi-annual haircut day IS comin' up), but the beard will remain. What are they... whomever "they" might be... gonna do? Give me an Article 15? Arrest me? Send me to Leavenworth? I'm RETIRED. ;-)

  12. Shave the beard, get a haircut and try to Pass for Active Duty.

    Great looking family.

  13. Shave the beard, get a haircut and try to Pass for Active Duty.

    And just why in the Hell would I want to do that? I worked long and hard to get where I am and to be exactly who I am. I did what I had to do when I was on active duty... but that was then, this is now.

  14. Sam Pennington15 June, 2010 23:08

    Well, I hate to spoil anything... but I won't be in my Class A's. I'm wearing Summer Whites cuz chicks dig the whites ;)

    I also don't want to wear "Choker's" in the middle of summer, even if it's Buffalo, NY!

    I think the picture needs updating. I only have 12 medals and ribbons... far from the 22 Buck has. He did have a head start, earning a ribbon just for graduating Boot Camp! So it's essentially a ribbon for being enlisted. I find it interesting that tha Air Farce never seems to deploy as long as the other services, but always awards themselves more than the other services. Hmm.

    I know... sour grapes and all. A little more therapy and I'll get over it.


  15. Well, I hate to spoil anything... but I won't be in my Class A's.

    Heh. Yet another instance where the Senior Service is (or will be) upstaged by the junior branch.

    So it's essentially a ribbon for being enlisted.

    Don't you guys still do the Good Conduct Medal? Which is essentially the same thing: being enlisted (and not getting caught). I never got the basic training ribbon, btw. That's one of those new-fangled things us geezers rant about.

    A little more therapy and I'll get over it.

    Your brother and I have an ideer or two where "therapy" is concerned. We'll need a designated driver, tho. Don't look at me. Sir. ;-)

  16. Sam Pennington17 June, 2010 22:15

    We'll be 200 yards away from our hotel rooms... no DD needed. Therapy comes in many forms; my favorite is Good beer, second to a neat scotch... but a long second.

    Good conduct is for good conduct... I know many a Chief (E7) that has NOT had good conduct. So it's a medal that is worthy of wearing. My best Chief didn't wear a good conduct medal during his tour on the good ship James K. Polk! He was the best Chief on the boat!

    I digress... it happens. I'm very much looking forward to digressing with you and Buck.


  17. We'll be 200 yards away from our hotel rooms... no DD needed.

    That's good news. And apropos of nuthin'... we used to joke when we came back from TDYs in the way back that there needed to be a transportation code for "govt hands and knees" that we could use on our travel vouchers...


Just be polite... that's all I ask.