Thursday, January 08, 2009

Just Another Placeholder

Was it yesterday or the day before that I mentioned I might post a pic of that War Trophy, as displayed here in El Casa Móvil De Pennington? Well might turned into will... as in "will post."

The top shot was taken with with the SLR; the second with the grab-shot camera. Both pics were taken from the same place and shot with available light, which is to say with the flash disabled. And please... no comments from the peanut gallery on my housekeeping, or lack of same. I did make my bed in honor of the occasion. But that was it... and more than likely will remain "it" for the rest of the day.


  1. Can't believe you found a place to hang it in the tiny space you have! But where there's a will, there's a way! Looks great!

    BTW, I don't think the housekeeping is that bad.

  2. Looks like a fine place for a fine flag!

    Tight quarters, indeed.

    dc from jax

  3. Jenny sez: BTW, I don't think the housekeeping is that bad.

    Thanks, Jenny. But photos LIE, ya know... ;-)

    dc: The space is tight, but it's comfortable. Kinda sorta like O-quarters on board any given ship o' the line, but bigger. Or perhaps like those on the Barco. ;-)

    btw... I'm assuming you're the same dc that used to comment here frequently once upon a time but much less so, of late. If so: It's frickin' GREAT to see you've entered the blogosphere!!

  4. Placeholder? Please! Like the gift itself, this is the best post ever. Well, maybe tied with the one linked near the start.

    You Penningtons are awesome.

  5. The flag is great. As for tight quarters, I'm feeling a bit hemmed in here in my little house - maybe it is just winter time blues. Do you ever get to feeling that way?

  6. Beauty, Buck. And nice to see where you blog from, too :-)

  7. Bob sez: Placeholder? Please! Like the gift itself, this is the best post ever. Well, maybe tied with the one linked near the start.

    Wow, Bob... Thanks! You made me blush when I read this, especially the "awesome" bit. That's a word that never occurred to me whenever describing the family. ;-)

    Lou: As for feeling hemmed in... rarely, although it does happen occasionally. I thank my lucky stars I ain't claustrophobic.

    Jim: Thank ya, Sir!

  8. Yes Buck,

    It is I. I decided to take your advice and burn up space on my own spot. I have been stopping by, but keeping my opinions to my self.

    But I will minimize the politics on the Barco blog. There is so much of it out there and I am sure I am more interesting talking about those things I know a bit more of.

    I invite all to visit and comment.

  9. Wow, Buck, the flag looks just awesome. I like how you can sit there at your computer and look at the flag at the same time. I hope it inspires your patriotism in the future!

  10. dc: You got a mighty fine site there. And your boat is simply pristine, as I noted in comments.

    Sharon: Are ya saying I need inspiration in this space? ;-)

    (jes kidding, of course)


Just be polite... that's all I ask.