Monday, August 06, 2007

Hiroshima Day

Hiroshima Day… 62 years ago today. Click for larger to see the August 7th front page of the NYT. And now…a non-politically-correct war story, of sorts. (Full disclosure: originally left as a comment at SJS’ Place.)

As most of you frequent readers know, the last company I worked for was a small IT start-up in SFO, staffed primarily by stereotypical flaming, politically-correct SFO liberals, and I do NOT jest. By my count there were three conservatives in the whole company, which, at its high-water mark, had a total of 300+ folks.

Anyway... We got the usual complement of Federal and State holidays, five sick days, and one "Diversity Day," which one could use to celebrate an occasion of personal importance. But you had to designate the day in advance. I informed my superiors that I intended to take August 6th as my "DD." When asked what the occasion was... I replied "Hiroshima Day. It's a celebration of American Power." And I did take it, too, to the delight of the other two conservatives and the shock of the PC Brigade. Speaking of which (the PC-Brigade), I suppose I confirmed their cherished and heart-felt views about Rethuglicans. Not that I give a shit.

The pervs are still with us (me)… From yesterday:

Time of Visit: Aug 5 2007 4:26:51 pm
Last Page View: Aug 5 2007 4:28:02 pm
Visit Length: 1 minute 11 seconds
Page Views: 1
Referring URL:
Search Engine:
Search Words: "petticoat punishment"
Visit Entry Page: http://exileinportal...6_12_01_archive.html
Visit Exit Page: http://exileinportal...6_12_01_archive.html
Out Click: petticoat discipline december 2006

This guy was more imaginative than most. Notice his “Out Click”… “Well, if MY search terms ain’t working, let’s try this one…”

I also think this guy was up to no good, as well:

Time of Visit: Aug 5 2007 3:09:39 pm
Last Page View: Aug 5 2007 3:09:39 pm
Referring URL:
Search Engine:
Search Words: alexandra steele movies

I could be wrong, Gentle Reader. But I think not.

And yeah, last week’s post with the questionable title finally found a googler…or a googler found it, I should say:

Time of Visit: Aug 6 2007 5:40:34 am
Last Page View: Aug 6 2007 5:40:34 am
Page Views: 1
Referring URL: titties
Search Words:
old titties
Visit Entry Page: http://exileinportal...-things-of-note.html

The first and only, so far. I suppose the subject matter is of interest to a very limited demographic.

Back in a bit…


  1. I kind of thought that "old titties" comment might come back to bite you. My reaction upon reading that post was, "Do people say 'titties' anymore?" I have used the term when someone paints mountains that are, well, tittie mountains, but people are often shocked by the word. Kind of funny!

  2. I hesitated, however briefly, before I used "titties" in that post. Words are funny things, and their acceptability depends on various things (upbringing, the company you keep [or are in, at the moment], yadda, yadda). "Titties" was quite common when I was a child (at least on my southern-born-and-bred Mom's side of the family) and didn't raise an eyebrow at all. I think, however, that the word has been replaced by "boobs" in polite company these days. I still use titties occasionally, though. (Not to be perfectly obvious, or anything.) ;-)

  3. Yeah, I'd concur with the assessment of the usage of "boobs" in polite company. "Titties" is more of a sitting around drinking beer with the guys on a Friday night sort of word.

    Not that I drink beer, being under the legal age and all.

    Nice celebration of American Power. Sounds like something my dad (or myself, for that matter) would do.

  4. Not that I drink beer, being under the legal age and all.

    YeahRightSure. And I'm the Pope. Pleased t'meetcha, Mike!

    I think I'd like to have a couple of beers (I AM German, after all) with you and your Dad! ;-)


Just be polite... that's all I ask.