Friday, October 31, 2014

Apropos o' Not Much

So, there I was*... out at Cannon Airplane Patch again, for the second time this week.  Today we went out that way to get our quarterly haircut... I get my hair cut EVERY three months, whether it needs it or not... and I noticed all the barberesses were dressed up in Halloween costumes, as were the folks in the commissary.  It seems like everyone and their mom, literally, are in the holiday spirit.  That includes my neighbor Jessica, who happened to come home as we were sitting out on the verandah enjoying Happy Hour.  And here she is!

I wish she would have smiled for the photo coz her smile is just brilliant.  But ya get the ideer, Gentle Reader, right?  What a CUTIE!

And, apropos o' not much... my barberess commented on my mustache today, sayin' she really, rilly liked it.  I mention this coz it's the third such comment I've received in as many days, all from wimmen.  I think I'll keep on keepin' on in this space.  Who knows what might happen?

That asterisk above?  It concerns how war stories... or sea stories, which have a variation on that theme, i.e., "This is no shit"... always begin.  See here for the salient point, specifically at the eight second mark:

"Everybody knows that" is the operative expression, no explanation is needed or wanted.  We ALL know how war stories begin so just stop explaining the obvious, mmm-kay?


  1. And a 'stache means one less thing to shave in the morning... Bout time for me to start my winter coat...

    1. I've worn a 'stache nearly all my adult life, in one form or another.

  2. It's the beginning of No Shave November (aka Movember).
    I may trim occasionally.
    Traditionally, it lasts until sometime in January for me.
    The mustache kinda takes care of itself

    1. I used to put a beard on every winter but stopped a couple o' years ago. I just don't like seein' all that white/gray/light-light-light blonde.

  3. Where's the selfie of your current handsome sartorial hirsute status, Buck? Inquiring minds..

  4. I just recently finally shaved my whole face. I'm on Enbrel (get to inject myself once a week) and I've always had a patch of psoriasis on my lip that grossed people out, so I hid it with a mustache (useful thing that). Now it's all gone. A checker at wal mart said "you look a lot better cleaned-up" :-) No offer of a home cooked meal though...

    1. A checker at wal mart said "you look a lot better cleaned-up"...

      I got a similar response from one of the nurses at the clinic the last time I shaved off the beard. She didn't offer to cook for me, either. ;-)


Just be polite... that's all I ask.