Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Creative Editing

This can't be real...

... and it's not.  But watching this made my blood pressure soar.  Talk about "close calls"... even if they're not real.  Zowie!


  1. A cabbie from Bangkok sees this and says "umm, seems normal to me"

    1. Hoo-boy, but do I ever hear THAT! I was in a Bangkok cab once upon a time when the driver, frustrated at traffic, took to the freakin' SIDEWALK and stayed there for about a block. He wasn't creeping along, either, doin' about 20 - 25 mph. That wasn't the worst of my Thai taxi experiences, though. I used to ride in tuk-tuks, given they were about half the cost of a "real," i.e., car, taxi. I quit using those death traps when I saw one get hit by a car... the damned thing almost literally exploded. I don't think anyone survived that accident.

  2. Crap! I didn't see any camera signs when I went through that intersection! Admittedly, I was eating a meatball sandwich at the time and texting my date so my attention may have slipped for a second when I drove by the sign.

    We didn't do tuk tuks or jeepney. We had a focus on being alive at the end of the journey. :)

    1. We had a focus on being alive at the end of the journey. :)

      You also had the benefit of an O salary. Us guys on the E-side had to cut corners where we could. ;-)


Just be polite... that's all I ask.