Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I Could Really Pass On the Turkey...

... as long as I had a lot o' this:

That would be YrHmblScrb and a BIG-ass plate o' red chile con carne and huevos rancheros.  I'm thanking The Deity At Hand for wimmen who know how to cook... and take care of their men.

Yup, we ARE thankful.


  1. Love the huevos.

    Welcome to ABQ again Master Seargent. If you'd like a shallow windshield tour of KAFB and tenants (really just windshield) let me know. I ain't going anywhere or doing anything special this weekend other than chores (which would be special I suppose). Saturday or Sunday (pref Saturday as there is a "Packers at Giants" athletic competition of some sort that I must observe here at home on Sunday).

    Please reply at my hughes addy or here.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Buck! A blessed day to you, and your clan!

    1. Backatcha, Buddy... I hope you and yours are all together for the day.

  3. We had our traditional Wed. night Mexican dinner consisting of tamales and enchiladas. It was pretty good stuff. For T-Day, Jesse made cranberry pico de gallo, which a heck of a lot better than the can of cranberries.

    1. Cranberry salsa sounds great!

    2. I don't speak espagnol, but is that "rooster lips" ?? (pico de gallo)

  4. Lookin' good there Buck. Hope your celebrations were filled with similar pleasures.


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