Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack

Back-to-back on Pandora, earlier this afternoon...

It's been awhile
Since I've seen the way the candles light your face
It's been awhile
But I can still remember just the way you taste

Oh yeah, all right
Take it easy baby
Make it last all night
She was an American girl
Google ain't the ONLY inner-tube entity that knows... it's kinda-sorta bizarre how Pandora can cut close to the bone with its play-list.

So.  It was almost TOO hot sitting outdoors in the afternoon sun.  Just last week we had wind-chills exceeding 20-below and today I was jetting around town with the top down... followed by an extended outdoor Happy Hour.  Life's pretty danged good, all things considered, and that would include the memory-provoking stuff on Pandora.  Which, truth be told, ain't all bad.


  1. It was almost TOO hot sitting outdoors in the afternoon sun. A little envious here Buck. We're headed back to the deep freeze here for the next couple o' days, but we'll get through it. Enjoy it while it's there. Soon it'll be time for me to plant my fleurs and enjoy outdoor happy hours too!

  2. Y'know, there's nothin' better than being out on the deck with the tunes goin', cold beer at hand, a good book and the dogs just doin' their thing bein' dogs. (most often at your feet) The only thing that could make it better is if there was some hottie sittin' there with ya.

  3. Agreed, Deb. There was a time in the way-back when the scenario you describe was my reality... deck, dogs, beer, and a hottie. Theses days there's just the beer but ya take what ya get. Willingly, too. ;-0

  4. Ya, well the old coug's been going through a dry spell when it comes to hotties lately, so I guess I'll just be happy with whatever The Higher Power sends me, even if it be dogs.

  5. Heh. I'd match ya... dry spell for dry spell. But I should also note mine are self-inflicted.

  6. Mine are too, luv. I'd rather keep company with my dogs than most people I meet.

  7. Great set of tunes there Buck. Staind is a particular fave. Sounds like a perfect day!

    Insanely jealous of that temperature as well. Wind chills today were in the single digits.


  8. Mon Petit Soulier15 February, 2011 18:54

    I've been listening to so much polka recently that when I listen to American radio fare, it gives me information overload.

    Way overproduced, but I think overproduced is an American/Canadian genre.

    "Hold it, let me jiggle some chains for the perfect add-on" after of couse 200 other dubs.

    This girl only made one video, but I love her smile. You have to know her parents were proud.


    Here's some French Jazz for your enjoyment. The song was written in 1946 or so, and Stacey put it to jazz:


    Anyway, some light evening fare to make your slippers feel warm...

    wv: coodier - sounds obscene...

  9. Kris: Well, the day wasn't PERFECT, but it was close. ;-)

    Anon: You gave us the same link twice.

  10. Mon Petit Soulier16 February, 2011 01:31

    Ack! Must be senile like some other peoples...


  11. Buck, you have too much going on in your blog. Clean up some of the weather sides so we can read it. MUD

  12. Can't go wrong with Tom Petty.

    True... MOST of the time. ;-)

    MUD: I don't understand what you're sayin', unless it's "you suck." ;-)

  13. Th weeds have started their onslaught in the yard and the flowerbeds.*sigh*

  14. My new house may not be near finished, but the outdoor patio is ready. Come on sunshine, beer, dogs and maybe some GGs rather than a hottie. Well, I do think Toby is kind of hot.

  15. Moogie: Yard work is one of those things I do NOT miss about Former Happy Days.

    Lou: I think you have a plan!


Just be polite... that's all I ask.