Friday, June 11, 2010

Not Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack

Rather: our new theme song.

Courtesy of Blog-Bud Buckskins Rule, who sez... quizzically... "Now, I can't quite put my finger on the reason, but every time I hear this song, I can't help but think of Buck."  

Heh.  That beats the Hell outta me, too.  I mean... Bud Lite?  Bud-frickin'-Lite?


  1. The bud lite part did give me pause...but the rest of the sentiment remains.

    Just sayin...

  2. I have no idea what you are on about, because I get nothing but blank screens where videos should be while I am at work, but surely you are just waiting for a "what the hell is wrong with Bud Light, ya friggin' beer snob?" outta me. Well, here it is:

    "What the hell is wrong with Bud Light, ya friggin' beer snob?"

  3. BR: Agreed... the REST of the sentiment really fits. ;-)

    Andy: Well, there's not a thing wrong with Bud Light, or Miller Lite, or Coors Light, if'n you're into tasteless, watered-down-to-the-point where it's hard to tell the difference between the "beer" and, say, Aquafina. Or Perrier, as a sop to the snobs amongst us. Other than that? Nuthin'.

    Hell... ya pays your money and ya makes your choice. There's NO accounting for taste in these United States... just look at the Top Teevee ratings. QED.

  4. Heh.

    I loves me some Billy Currington. He does ironic humor really well.

  5. Did I tell you that I found Labatt's in Little Rock? Pepper likes it!

    And now I have another excuse to go to LR -- gotta make a beer run!


  6. Buck, Like this song. BTW, I couldn't get Labatt's in Bethany Beach, but I did take an Amstel. Or two. Or three.

  7. Drinkin' lite to keep that fine, fine figure he's got going in that video!

  8. Heh! I saw this video over at BR's place. My first thought was "Bud Light - Buck?"

    I commented over there that I am not a beer drinker...not since Jax shut down.

    Pretty decent song, and an entertaining video though. I think a couple of my neighbors may have auditioned for the part.

  9. MissBirdlegs in AL11 June, 2010 19:21

    LOL! Have to admit the first time I heard the song, Buck crossed my mind.

  10. Oh, great! Just what I needed in my dotage... a universal rep as the town drunk. ;-)

    Moogie: Yep, ya did mention that! A reminder: don't be thinkin' about runnin' for office. ;-)

    Drinkin' lite to keep that fine, fine figure he's got going in that video!

    SOME of us don't have to go to those extremes to keep our (ahem) slim 'n' trim boyish figure. I use the term very loosely, of course.

    Dan: I've tipped a few Amstels. Heinies, too!

    Kris: I don't know Currington that well, but I'll learn.

    Andy: Jax really went out o' bid'niz? Really? How 'bout Dixie? Pearl?

    Katy: You, too? Omigawd.

  11. Buck - Currington does another song that, sorry, reminds me of you.

    (Beer is Good), People are Crazy

    The first part!

  12. Buckskins has posted that one too, Kris. It's good.

  13. That does make me want to scoot a boot.


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