Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bitch, Piss & Moan: Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack

In which we bemoan... yet again... our vinyl gone missing.  We had this wild-assed ideer today about creating an "OLD Fleetwood Mac" station on Pandora but our suspicions were immediately confirmed, in that there is no such thing.  No... this is what we got:

Which is to say variations on the Lindsey Buckingham/Stevie Nicks era, when what the sergeant REALLY meant was things like this:

and this...

Old, if not older, Fleetwood Mac.  Back in the days when they were a British take on Da Blooze and extending into their mid-period, which is to say the days of "Bare Trees," "Future Games,"and "Mystery to Me."  Alas, that was not to be.  It's rare that I'll complain about Pandora, but this is one of those times.  I've been a fan of the Mac for a long, long time... extending back to 1968 or so.  And I will admit I bought the 1975 self-titled album and excitedly embraced it, like millions of others.  I had different reasons than most, though, in that I thought that album would herald a renaissance of one of my favorite bands and they... the core, the life-blood, in the form of Mick Fleetwood, John McVie, and Christine McVie... would get back to their roots and create more music I could relate to and enjoy.  Once again: alas.  Frickin' Stevie Nicks and to a lesser extent, Lindsey Buckingham, destroyed the band with soap opera antics.  They got REAL old, real fast and so did the music.  But "Rhiannon" was cool when it was new.  Today?  Not so much.  It's one of those tunes I've heard waaay too damned many times.  It's the same way... for me... with most every tune from that Mac era.

So, it's with regret that we find ourselves surfin' The Tube of You during this Happy Hour, lookin' for onesies and twosies, as opposed to having a Pandora station/channel where we could listen to Old Mac goodness, uninterrupted.  Life would be MUCH different if we still had our vinyl.


  1. guess Pandora Bob Welch'd you. Hehe.

  2. Steve: Thanks but no thanks. I'm in no need of saving, at least not in the manner in which you speak.

    Darryl: I'd have taken Welch in a heartbeat. MUCH better than the Buckingham/Nicks krep.

  3. I used to put on Fleetwood Mac - Stevie Nicks - and rock out while doing housework. Good times.

  4. I used to be a huge fan when I was younger. Now I tend to change the station when they come on.

    I really cannot understand the evolution of my own tastes in music.

  5. Lou: Stevie had her place, once upon a time. Like BR, I tune her RIGHT out these days.

    BR: No need to try and understand what ya can't figger out, right? I have many such dichotomies in my life and that stuff'll drive ya crazy, if'n ya let it.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.