Courtesy of BadBob, aka b2...constant commenter at Lex's Place:
Of course I think the metaphor is...umm... just slightly misplaced. But, other than that...
There are few things in life as obnoxious as Mac people, once the conversation drifts to computers. As it invariably does in this day and age.
Update 01/19/2008: Well, now. Only 7.6% of you Gentle Readers happen to use Macs...if my Site Meter stats are to be believed. And of course, a couple of my favorite people gently poked me with "Hey! I use a Mac!"
I'm on my 2nd Mac, bought the first when I was pregnant with E1... and I love it.
ReplyDeleteI hope you'll still visit after knowing this :)
I own a Mac. I love it. Much smarter than Windows.I will not be annoying about it;) but they are better.
ReplyDeleteI suppose it wouldn't do if I said "present company excepted," eh?
ReplyDeleteFWIW I used Macs in the waay-back, say around '88 ~ 90, or so. That was before PCs were graphics-friendly, which is to say before Powerpoint. EDS, like most companies at the time, had small cells of graphics folks that did our in-house presentations and some marketing type work... as in graphic support for proposals. And they used Macs exclusively. Since I did a lot of proposal work I got friendly with those folks, learned some of the apps, and was "allowed" to work on their machines.
But even then (perhaps especially then?) there was a certain amount of... shall we say... "smugness" on the part of the Mac Guys.
And Lex, one of my favorite Milbloggers, is a Mac Guy. True to form, he's not shy about it, either. Which is where the vid came from. ;-)
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Buck, you did proposal work?
ReplyDeleteToo funny. Ask me what I do for a living sometime. Or just visit here.
Barry: VERY coincidental! I spent quite some time on your other blog last evening. Our career paths look eerily similar. Didja know EDS used the Shipley method? It was the corporate standard for proposals.
ReplyDeleteI got out of the "new business" game and went into Operations in the mid-90s when my ex- told me to find a new job or find a new wife. Fat lot of good that did, ultimately. The road work...too much of it... was a big factor in killing my marriage. Think: Janis singin' "A Woman Left Lonely."