Outside: 88 degrees, light rain, calm (yes…you read that correctly. It’s calm. Amazing.).
Inside: Coffee nearly finished (note the post time…I’m such a slug today), ditto the “normal rounds,” motivation lacking. News of the World unattended to and will likely remain so. Because, Gentle Reader, it’s Sunday.
Item of note: As promised, SN2 has put up more wedding pictures.
I may or may not be back today, depending on what I find in my miscellaneous meanderings.
All three pics taken about ten minutes ago. Pic Number One is the general environment; Pic Number Two is looking northeast...where the WX is pretty clear; Pic Number Three is looking southwest, where the rain is coming from. I do believe it's gonna rain off and on all day. Not good for the nine-to-fivers, but I'm totally ambivalent...not to rub it in, or anything. {insert smiley face thingie here}
We watched ya'll getting the rain, but not a drop out here. Which is fine. Hold off, rain, til we get that last 160 acres planted. Then we can go on vacation!
ReplyDeleteI love the wedding pictures. Your grand-daughters are just beautiful - from the bridesmaid to the flowergirls to the bride. Lovely!
ReplyDeleteBuck, in the tradition of Snake Eater (commenter on Lex's site), that would be "insert CLOYING smiley face thing here" or ICSMFTH for short.
ReplyDeleteheh heh
Jenny: We got more rain last night, or early this morning (didn't look at my watch)...did you guys?
ReplyDeleteLou: They certainly ARE cuties, nu?
Kris: SE is quite The Boy, ain't he?
CSFT ====> ;-)
No rain here. But glad town did. Hubby was supposed to cut some alfalfa in town, and if it rained he can't. That's good because now he can get that last field planted and out of the way, then cut later in the week.
ReplyDeleteWe will be in town every night this week. Our church is having Vacation Bible School, the kids love to go. We go to the Methodist one there in town, across the road from the Baptist. Not looking forward to the gas bill for this week. LOL! Think I'll take the pickup since diesel is cheaper at the moment.