Monday, June 12, 2006

The Second Mrs. Pennington...

Rochester, NY 1998
... is 50 today.

Happy Birthday, Paula. You're an old lady now!


  1. Happy Birthday, TSMP. And remember, 50 is the new 30!

  2. Happy Birthday TSMP! I hope I look as good as you when I'm 50.

  3. If 50 is the new 30, what's 60? I can answer that, he's still *60*! And that, my friends, is OLD.

    Becky: I agree, she does look good. The pic I put up is eight years old, but this woman just doesn't seem to age. She looks much the same today as she did eight years ago. I don't have a recent pic and haven't seen her in a year or so, so I'm assuming a little bit here. Kinda amazing, it is.

  4. LOL! I had another "you know you're getting old when...." moment yesterday. I had to stop and buy some new shoes. Could not avoid it any longer, the black shoes I wear probably 80% of the time were totally trashed. I borrowed a pair from mom and they were horribly uncomfortable. So I'm in this shoe warehouse store with a *huge* selection of shoes. Lots of really cute shoes. I laughed at myself because I was thinking... you know you're getting old when you see lots and lots of shoes you like, but you go with the plain, ugly, stodgy shoes for comfort. Yes, I bought the "naturalizers".

  5. "I laughed at myself because I was thinking... you know you're getting old when you see lots and lots of shoes you like, but you go with the plain, ugly, stodgy shoes for comfort."

    Ah, another difference between women and men. I don't know a single, solitary male who would ever buy "cute" over "comfortable." Come to think of it, I don't know any guys into cute, period.

    Vive la difference!



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