OK, this is getting just a bit strange. No, more than a bit...a LOT strange. This morning I remarked I'm getting a lot of hits from people googling that lame Ameriprise ad. Today I got three more, this time from Overland Park, KS; Houston, TX; and Smyrna, TN. And the day's not over. What am I missing here? I'll admit to being out of touch, pop-culturally speaking. But, boy-howdy, this is more than passing strange, it is!
And while we're on the subject of co-opting the music, check this site out...a pretty comprehensive list of rock 'n' roll sell-outs. (Hat-tip to one of those anonymous googlers) Some of the ads I've never seen, but all advertising, like all politics, is apparently local. My vote for the worst of this particular list? Cialis and The Ronettes "Be My Baby." I LOVE that song! Gotta admit the sentiment is appropriate for the product, but...
Please, stop ruining my songs! Please?
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