Thursday, September 30, 2010

Calling In Well

Towards the end of my working life there was a point in time I took to calling in well whenever "things" got a bit too much.  Which is to say something like this hypothetical phone call:
Boss: Hello?
Me:  Hey.  It's Buck.  I won't be in today.
Boss: Are you OK?
Me:  Oh yeah.  I'm great.  As a s'matter of fact I feel too damned good to come in.
Boss: (short pause, followed by laughter)  OK... see ya tomorrow!
That was about the way it went the first time I pulled that stunt.  I didn't do it all that often, mind you, mebbe once or twice a year and NEVER when there was "stuff" going on that required my presence.  I usually did it after some sorta death march was completed, which is to say the kind of activity that required an endless procession of 12 to 14 hour days.  It was my own personal form of R&R, in other words.  I never once pulled that trick in the Air Force, needless to say.  The military, even the AF, tend to take a rather dim view of that sort of attitude.  There's that "duty" thang, yanno?  But it isn't so in the civilian world, given you have the right sort of leadership.  And I did.

We're calling in well today here at EIP.  While I feel REALLY good I also have zero motivation my inner eight year old pulling his usual stunt.  Even My Buddy Ed In Florida seems to be on hiatus at the moment, having failed to send me any of his drollery.  Mebbe everyone is kinda-sorta calling in well today.

So there's this... one of my favorite pics from the way-back:

I went googling for a Happy Face to accompany this post and nuthin' struck my fancy... until I realized I had the happiest of Happy Faces right here in the archives.  He was a beautiful baby, nu?

And now:  Happy Hour.  There won't be any La Fin du Monde today, tho.


  1. Did you drink ALL of the La Fin Du Monde? And if you did, perhaps that's why you feel so good.

  2. I drank all that one bottle, Dan. And I DID feel quite good afterward. ;-)

  3. I've called in with an eye problem, before. As in:

    "I can't see coming to work today."

    The manager in question was also retired Navy, so it was a running joke, and no questions were asked.

  4. I spent quite some time on my blog today - no sick call for me. But hey, I hear ya!

  5. If more people's bosses would let them take attitude adjustment days, this would be a better, less-stressed-out, better-customer-service world.

    Adorable Happy Face! Much better than some ol' yellow sun now associated with the Wal-Mark.

  6. We call that taking a mental health day. It's a good idea and one that far too few people actually take advantage of.

  7. I gotta remember that! It's a foreign concept for a guy that has only had to answer to himself for so many years when it comes to "work."

    It is different now that I'm also working for the man. I am re-learning how to respond to authority (other than Pam). I might give that a try. But as it is now, I keep getting requests from new bossman to come in on scheduled days off...happened on my first/last job, too.

    Maybe I just need to say I'm too well to work...might try that. Probably won't. Haven't earned enough privilege tokens for that. Yet.

    Oh, and on the picture. Man, that put a big grin on my ugly mug. Reminds me of one I've got of eldest son in a walker. Time do fly.

  8. I will call in and request a Mental Health day, which means this place is driving me insane and I better take some time off before somebody gets hurt! I think I'm closing in on one of those days now, as matter of fact!

  9. Everyday is a Saturday!

    14 days until I go back to Fiji and finish the trip.

  10. Most of My Military service was in Operations and training. In all kinds of bad weather I had to go sit in the EOC and conduct operations. Every once in a while in great weather I would take a "Sun" day. The truth be told, I retired with almost 6 months of sick leave and 180 days of Annual leave. MUD, Ret

  11. It's called a Decompression Day in some parts. Enjoy!

  12. BR: Your "eye problem" is pretty good! I'd never heard that one before.

    Lou: It was time well-spent, too. Great pics and narrative.

    Moogie: I hear ya. EVERYone's attitude needs adjusting from time to time, especially those people who deal with the public. I couldn't do that.

    Haven't earned enough privilege tokens for that. Yet.

    Yeah, ya do need those. As I said, I didn't even THINK of doing the "calling in well" bit until late in my civilian career.

    Dale: I would think working for the gub'mint requires frequent attitude adjustment.

    Darryl: Some days are more Saturday than others, tho. ;-)

    MUD: That's a LOT of accrued leave, MUD.

    Jim: It looks like we'll be taking another one today, as well.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.